Study on Prevalence of Pneumoconiosis by Rush-Dust and Its Comprehensive Control Strategy
MA Zao-hua,CHEN Heng-ping,XIAO Guo-bing,XU Lai-rong,MAO Guo-chuan,WANG Qun-li,LU Bei-bei,MA Lei
Abstract:Objective To understand the changes of rush-dust concentration in workplaces,the prevalence of pneumoconiosis among dust exposed workers and its impact factors,then to obtain some basic evidences for making efficient control measures in rush mat processing works.Method An epidemiological study was carried out,for obtaining the data about dust control measures,public health surveillance etc.,and the pneumoconiosis cases were also collected for assessing the effect of comprehensive dust control strategy.Result Recent years,under the leadship of local government,the comprehensive dust-controlling measures were put into practice in relative factories or works. The geometric mean of rush-dust concentrations in all the rush-used workplaces such as rush-drawing,rush-selecting,rush-weaving etc.were decreased from 43.46mg/m3,28.78 mg/m3,12.08 mg/m3 in 2001,to 11.87 mg/m3,3.51 mg/m3,5.69 mg/m3 in 2004,respectively.The decline of rush-dust concentration was mainly attributed to the application of ventilation equipments and dust-controlling appliances. During 2002 to 2004,203 cases of pneumoconiosis were diagnosed among all 22 780 workers by occupational health examination,the grade Ⅰ,grade Ⅱ and grade Ⅲ of pneumoconiosis were 152(74.9%),46 (22.7%),5 (2.5%),respectively,and 38 cases (18.7%) were complicated with pulmonary tuberculosis. The incidences of pneumoconiosis in 2002,2003,2004 were 2.06%,0.92% and 0.35%,respectively,seemed to be a dramatically decrease trend. The mean latent duration was also significantly delayed from 5.4 years in 2002 to 6.9 years in 2004.Conclusion It is well demonstrated that the comprehensive control measure for rush-dust induced pneumoconiosis has already obtained primary effect,but to well eliminate the pneumoconiosis hazards by rush-dust futher struggle is necessary,such as enhancing occupational health surveillance,promoting technological innovation,controlling dust pollution,strengthening hygienic propaganda and so on.