The classification and treatment of duplicate structures of spinal cord with congenital vertebral deformity
Abstract:Objective:To discuss and determine the characteristics and classification of the duplicate structure of spinal cord,its relationship with congenital spine deformities,and the indication for surgical treatment.Method:Between 1989 and 2000,one hundred and seventeen patients with congenital spine and spinal cord deformities were treated surgically.The clinical symptoms and signs,results of image studies and intro operative observations,and clinical results were evaluated and classified with comparison.Resut:There were 114 cases of diastematomyelia and 3 cases of diplomyelia.Among them,there were 15 cases of type AⅠ,39 cases of AⅡ,47 cases of AⅢ,4 cases of BⅠ,4 cases of BⅡ,5 cases of BⅢ,and 3 cases of CⅠ.The surgical procedures performed were laminactomy,removal of septum,cutting of the tight filum terminale,dissection of the severe adhesion of spinal cord and/or nerve root,and repair of the dura.Conclusion:Classification of the duplicate structure of the spinal cord is useful for understanding the deformity and help to make decision for surgical treatment.Surgery can correct the deformity,relieve the pain and improve the function of sensory,motor and bladder.But the surgery outcome is less effective for recovery of the food drop and rectum function.