R. Hardisty,K. Dormandy,R. Hutton
Abstract:THE group of congenital bleeding disorders due to functional defects of the platelets is plagued by terminological confusion. Glanzmann (1918) appears to have been the first to describe such a disorder, under the name of hereditary haemorrhagic thrombasthenia ; his criteria of platelet abnormality were defective clot retraction and abnormal appearance on a stained film. More recently, functional platelet defects have been described under a variety of names by numerous authors, who have used many different laboratory methods for their demonstration. Some of these patients have been found to have defective clot retraction, while in others the blood-clotting activity of the platelets has been deficient, as shown usually by means of a prothrombin consumption technique or the thromboplastin generation test; others again have shown both types of defect. In some cases, platelet morphology has been abnormal, and in some it has been observed that the platelets failed to clump on glass surfaces. The designation ‘Glanzmann’s disease’ has come to be applied to those cases in which defective clot retraction is the only demonstrable abnormality. As Budtz-Olsen (195 I) has pointed out, however, it was not Glanzmann’s intention to define a new disease entity, but simply to suggest the occurrence of milder forms of the condition then known as Werlhof‘s disease, in relatives of more severely affected subjects. The unjustified use of Glanzmann’s name to define a hypothetical entity has only added to the confusion in this field, and the eponym should now be dropped. Braunsteiner (1955) reviewed the literature and studied 16 cases of h s own; he concluded that these platelet disorders could be divided into two distinct groups : ‘thrombopathy’, characterized by abnormal clotting function of the platelets but normal clot retraction and platelet clumping, and ‘thrombasthenia’, in which clot retraction and platelet clumping were defective, but the clotting function was normal. Braunsteiner used the thromboplastin generation test, and a non-quantitative method for the estimation of clot retraction. Subsequent workers have tended to follow this broad classification, or modifications of it, such as that proposed by Ulutin (1961), but the distinction is by no means clear cut, and is indeed essentially an arbitrary one, based on the results of tests which are often only semi-quantitative, and which vary from one laboratory to another. Hellem (1960) isolated from red cells an acidic, dialysable and heat-stable factor which produced rapid aggregation of platelets in citrated or oxalated plasma, and caused them to adhere to foreign surfaces such as glass. He investigated the platelets of cases conforming to Braunsteiner’s criteria for thrombasthenia, and found that their adhesiveness and their reactivity to the red-cell factor were very greatly reduced. The active principle from red cells has subsequently been identified as adenosine diphosphate (ADP) by Gaarder, Jonsen, Laland, Hellem and Owren (1961)~ and other workers (Caen, 1962; Zucker, 1964) have confirmed that aggregation of platelets by ADP is defective in thrombasthenia. In view of this clear-cut and easily demonstrable abnormality, it seems appropriate now to redefine the term thrombasthenia as a congenital bleeding disorder characterized by a normal platelet count, a long bleeding time and a failure of platelet aggregation by ADP. We