A Multi-Level Computer Architecture Simulator
S. Pizzutilo,F. Tangorra,F. Abbattista
Abstract:We describe a simulator, which constitutes a useful supporting tool in all activities involving computer architecture definition, such as designing or teaching. The system, developed for using an object oriented approach, integrates in a single tool different architecture models, such as CISC and RISC architecture types, and different computer levels, such as micro-programming and instruction set levels. The system allows the user to define the computer architecture at the instruction set level and then to switch automatically to the lower level of the corresponding micro-architecture. It is composed of two parts: a graphical interface, which displays the components of the architecture and allows the user to act directly on component contents; and a manager module, which executes the instructions and micro-instructions. The simulation process consists of a loop, in which two strictly correlated phases are executed: the definition phase, in which the user defines the architecture through a choice of hardware components, and a test phase, in which the user tests the designed architecture in order to verify the result of the design activity of the previous phase. The system is written in C++ language and it is used in a didactic environment for the laboratory activity of computer architecture courses. IMACS/IEEE CSCC'99 Proceedings, Pages:3701-3707 Key-Words: Architecture Simulation, Computer Architecture Design, Education, Object-Orientation, Prototyping.
Computer Science