Modified Page Rank Model in Investigation of Criminal Gang
Ting LU,Cong LIU,Xudong Wang,Qi Gao
International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications
Abstract:In this paper, we consider a criminal investigation on the collective guilt of part members in a working group.Assuming that the statistics we used are reliable, we present the Page Rank Model based on mutual information.First, we use the average mutual info rmation between non-suspicious topics and the suspicious topics to score the topics by degree of suspicion.Second, we build the correl ation matrix based on the degree of suspicion and acquire the corresponding Markov state transition matrix.Then, we set the original v alue for all members of the working group based on the degree of suspicion.At the last, we calculate the suspected degree of each me mber in the working group.In the small 10-people case, we build the improved Page Rank model.By calculating the statistics of this c ase, we acquire a table which indicates the ranking of the suspected degree.In contrast with the results given in this issue, we find thes e two results basically match each other, indicating the model we have built is feasible.In the current case, firstly, we obtain a ranking list on 15 topics in order of suspicion via Page Rank Model based on mutual information.Secondly, we acquire the stable point of Mar kov state transition matrix using the Markov chain.Then, we build the connection matrix based on the degree of suspicion and acquire the corresponding Markov state transition matrix.Last, we calculate the degree of 83 candidates.From the result, we can see that those suspicious are on the top of the ranking list while those innocent people are at the bottom of the list, representing that the model we ha ve built is feasible.When suspicious topics and conspirators changed, a relatively good result can also be obtained by this model.In th e current case, we have the evidence to believe that Dolores and Jerome, who are the senior managers, have significant suspicion.It is recommended that future attention should be paid to them.The Page Rank Model, based on mutual information, takes full account of t he information flow in message distribution network.This model can not only deal with the statistics used in conspiracy, but also be ap plied to detect the infected cells in a biological network.Finally, we present the advantages and disadvantages of this model and the dir ection of improvements.