Shortest Total Distance Traveled Among Curves , Surfaces and Lagrange Multipliers

Wei-Chi Yang
Abstract:This paper was inspired by students at Guangzhou University in 2014, the problems are variations from those described in [1]. We seek the shortest total distance from curve 1 to curve 2, curve 2 to curve 3 and curve 3 back to curve 1. In 3D, we want to …nd the shortest total distance between surface 1 and surface 2, surface 2 and surface 3, surface 3 and surface 4, and …nally surface 4 and surface 1. We assume curves and surfaces are not intersecting. We start with the simplest case for circles in 2D and we link to higher dimensions through the Lagrange multipliers method. 1 Introduction In [1], we considered three given disjoint curves, C1; C2 and C3 respectively in the plane, and we found the minimum total (squared) distance from C1 to C2 and C1 to C3:We also worked on four non-intersecting convex surfaces S1; S2; S3 and S4 in R and we found the the minimum total (squared) distance from S1 to S2; S1 to S3; and S1 to S4: In this paper, we discuss the following problems which were raised during the …rst author’s research visit at Guangzhou University during February and April of 2014. Given three disjoint curves, C1; C2 and C3 respectively in R; we need to …nd the minimum total distance from C1 to C2; C2 to C3 and C3 to C1: Next, we consider four disjoint convex surfaces S1; S2; S3 and S4 and we shall …nd the minimum total distance from S1 to S2; S2 to S3; S3 to S4 and S4 to S1: We note that the total squared distance is obviously di¤erent from the exact total distance. However, in this paper, we do not distinguish the di¤erences between these two when we are proving theorems. We will only use true total distance, kx yk ; for x and y in R or R in actual computations with Maple. The method of …nding the extremum of the total (squared) distance is an application of the Lagrange Multipliers Method, which we summarize in Corollary. Theorem 6 is a generalization of Corollary. Throughout this paper, the curves and surfaces are not intersecting. The Electronic Journal of Mathematics and Technology, Volume 9, Number 1, ISSN 1933-2823
Mathematics,Computer Science
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