Confinement and oscillating deconfinement crossover of two-magnon excitations in quantum spin chains quantified by spin entanglement entropy
Zhao-Yang Dong,Jian-Xin Li
Abstract:We introduce the spin entanglement entropy (EE) to characterize spin excitations. The scalings of EEs are elaborated as $\ln N$, $\ln N+D_k$ and $2\ln N+D$ for the single-magnon states, two-magnon bound states and two-magnon continuum, respectively, based on the Bethe ansatz solutions of the ferromagnetic spin chain with $N$ sites. The $\ln N$ divergence for the bound states reveals the two magnons emerge as a new quasiparticle. More importantly, the nonzero intercepts ($D_k,D$) embody the many-body effects of two-magnon states. In particular, an exact relation between the intercept of EEs and an observable quantity, the two-magnon distance, is established for the bound states. In such a case, we quantify the two-magnon confinement in a spin system by the increasing entanglement with the distance as a particle physics analogue. Moreover, the EEs can also be used to study the evolution of the excitations. When the bound states are immersed in the continuum in the alternating chain, they undergo an oscillating confinement-deconfinement crossover, shown by the oscillations of the EEs and two-magnon distance with the chain length.
Strongly Correlated Electrons