Vahram L. Grigoryan,Jiang Xiao
Abstract:We carried out a nested Schrieffer-Wolff transformation of an Anderson two-impurity Hamiltonian to study the spin-spin coupling between two dynamical quantum dots under the influence of rotating transverse magnetic field. As a result of the rotating field, we predict a novel Ising type spin-spin coupling mechanism between quantum dots, whose strength is tunable via the magnitude of the rotating field. The strength of the new coupling could be comparable to the strength of the RKKY coupling. The dynamical coupling with the intristic RKKY coupling enables to construct a four level system of maximally entangled Bell states in a controllable manner.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is: under the influence of a rotating transverse magnetic field, the dynamic mechanism of spin - spin coupling between two quantum dots (Quantum Dots, QDs) and the regulation of its intensity. Specifically, by studying the Anderson double - impurity Hamiltonian, the author reveals a new Ising - type spin - spin coupling mechanism. The intensity of this mechanism can be adjusted by the magnitude of the rotating magnetic field, and its intensity can be comparable to that of the RKKY coupling.
### Research Background and Problem Description
1. **Electron Spin Control in Quantum Dots**
- In semiconductor nanostructures, the quantum control of electron spins is an important topic in the fields of spintronics and quantum information processing.
- The electron spins in quantum dots have been proposed as qubits for realizing scalable quantum computers.
2. **Long - Range Spin - Spin Interactions**
- In quantum computing applications, it is necessary to couple non - nearest - neighbor qubits.
- Long - range spin - spin interactions include Ruderman - Kittel - Kasuya - Yosida (RKKY) interactions, Anderson's superexchange interactions, and couplings mediated by cavity photons, etc.
3. **Research on Dynamic Coupling**
- Although dynamic coupling has been widely studied in ferromagnetic nanostructures, the phenomenon of dynamic coupling in quantum dot systems has not been fully explored.
### Core Problems of the Paper
By introducing a rotating transverse magnetic field, the paper studies the dynamic spin - spin coupling between two quantum dots. The main objectives are:
- To reveal a new Ising - type spin - spin coupling mechanism.
- To explore how the intensity of this new coupling mechanism can be adjusted by the magnitude of the rotating magnetic field.
- To compare the intensity of the new coupling mechanism with that of the static RKKY coupling and show its potential applications in quantum computing.
### Main Findings
1. **New Ising - Type Spin - Spin Coupling Mechanism**
- The rotating transverse magnetic field induces a new Ising - type spin - spin coupling mechanism, and its intensity can be adjusted by the magnitude of the magnetic field.
- The intensity of this coupling mechanism can be comparable to that of the RKKY coupling.
2. **Controllable Four - Level System**
- The dynamic coupling and the inherent RKKY coupling work together to construct, in a controlled manner, a four - level system composed of maximally entangled Bell states.
- This property can be used for specific entangled - state operations in quantum computing.
### Mathematical Models and Formulas
To express these findings more clearly, the paper uses the nested Schrieffer - Wolff transformation to derive the effective spin Hamiltonian. The following are the key formulas:
1. **Total Hamiltonian**
H = H_0 + H_t + H_B(t)
H_0=\sum_{i,\sigma}\varepsilon_{\sigma i}n_{\sigma i}+\sum_i U_i n_{\uparrow i}n_{\downarrow i}+\sum_{k,\sigma}\epsilon_k c^\dagger_{k\sigma}c_{k\sigma}
H_B(t)=\sum_i\hbar\omega_\perp\left(d^\dagger_{i\uparrow}d_{i\downarrow}e^{-i\omega t}+d^\dagger_{i\downarrow}d_{i\uparrow}e^{i\omega t}\right)
2. **Effective Spin Hamiltonian**