Some results for high-order generalized neutral differential equation
Zhibo Cheng,Jingli Ren
Advances in Difference Equations
Abstract:In this paper, we consider the following high-order p-Laplacian generalized neutral differential equation(φp(x(t)−cx(t−δ(t)))′)(n−1)+g(t,x(t),x(t−τ(t)),x′(t))=e(t),where p≥2, φp(x)=|x|p−2x for x≠0 and φp(0)=0; g:R4→R is a continuous periodic function with g(t+T,⋅,⋅,⋅)≡g(t,⋅,⋅,⋅), and g(t,a,a,0)−e(t)≢0 for all a∈R. e:R→R is a continuous periodic function with e(t+T)≡e(t) and ∫0Te(t)dt=0, c is a constant and |c|≠1, δ∈C1(R,R) and δ is a T-periodic function, T is a positive constant; n is a positive integer. By applications of coincidence degree theory and some analysis skills, sufficient conditions for the existence of periodic solutions are established.MSC:34K13, 34K40, 34C25.
mathematics, applied