Dioxins and Their Fingerprint in Size-Classified Fly Ash Fractions from Municipal Solid Waste Incinerators in China—Mechanical Grate and Fluidized Bed Units
Sheng-Yong Lu,Yingzhe Du,Jian-Hua Yan,Xiao-Dong Li,Ming-Jiang Ni,Ke-Fa Cen
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/10962247.2012.669740
Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association
Abstract:The distribution of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs), in brief dioxins, has seldom been addressed systematically in fly ash from municipal solid waste incinerators (MSWIs). This study shows the amount and fingerprint of PCDD/Fs in fly ash from four different Chinese MSWIs, that is, three mechanical grate units and one circulating fluidized bed unit. In these fly ash samples, dioxins-related parameters (international toxic equivalent quantity, total amount of PCDD/Fs, individual isomer classes, and 17 toxic 2,3,7,8-substituted congeners) all tend to increase with decreasing particle size for mechanical grate incinerators, yet only for the finest fraction for fluidized bed units. Moreover, the fluidized bed incinerator seems superior to grate incineration in controlling dioxins, yet a comparison is hampered by internal differences in the sample, for example, the fluidized bed fly ash has much lower carbon and chlorine contents. In addition, the presence of sulfur from mixing coal as supplemental fuel to the MSW may poison the catalytic steps in dioxins formation and thus suppress the formation of dioxins. With more residual carbon and chlorine in the fly ash, it is easier to form dioxins during cooling. Nevertheless, there is no apparent relation between Fe, Cu, and Zn contents and that of dioxins in fly ash. Implications This paper is of interest because it presents the amounts and distribution of PCDD/Fs in fly ash samples from some typical waste incineration plants in China, featuring distinct incinerator types, combustion conditions, fuel composition, or residual carbon, chloride, and heavy metal contents in fly ash.