Design and construction of muon tomography facility based on MRPC detector for high-Z materials detection
Xuewu Wang,Jianping Cheng,Yì Wáng,Qian Yue,Ziran Zhao,Zhi Zeng,Ming Zeng,Zhi Deng,Hengguan Yi,Zhifei Luo,Xiaoguang Yue,Baihui Yu,Xingming Fan,Hongchao Pang,Hongwei Yang,Senlin Liu
Abstract:Muon tomography with cosmic ray muons is a novel technology for high-Z material detection. The tomographic imaging is based on multiple coulomb scattering of cosmic ray muons in matter, which requires large-scale, high-efficiency, high spatial resolution detectors for tracking of incoming and outgoing muons. From previous studies, the multi-gap resistive plate chamber (MRPC) would be an excellent and inexpensive choice for this application, which also offers the possibility of introducing energy information of muons by TOF measurement for image reconstruction of muon tomography. A prototype of muon tomography facility with 6 layers large-scale MRPC detectors has been designed and is under construction, the preliminary results of muon tomography and design details of the MRPC detectors and electronics were presented.