Modeling the Changes of Yield and Deep Soil Water in Apple Orchards in Weibei Rainfed Highland

ZHANG Shehong,LI Jun,WANG Xuechun,WANG Yali
Abstract:Based on model applicability and precision validation,the WinEPIC model was used to simulate the changes of yield and deep soil desiccation of rainfed apple orchards,using real-time weather data and soil data from 1962 to 2001.Variation of apple productivity and soil moisture in apple orchards were analyzed,based on the simulated results at Luochuan,one typical area of Weibei Rainfed Highland.The simulated results showed as follows:(1) Fruit yield showed a decline tendency with fluctuation as a whole from 4 year-old orchard to 40 year-old orchard during the simulation period.The fruit yield increased gradually from 4th year to 11th year,and reached the highest value(averaged 28.8 t/hm2) during 11th year to 23th year,then decreased obviously with the fluctuation of annual rainfall.(2) During the simulation period,annual rainfall at Luochuan fluctuated and decreased gradually,therefore,water stress days of 1—40 year-old apple orchards showed an upward trend which was opposed to the change trend of annual rainfall.And a peak value of 147.8 stress days occurred at 38 year-old apple orchard(in 1999).(3) Mean annual consumption of soil water was higher than mean annual rainfall in apple orchards at Luochuan.Therefore,soil had been drying strongly in apple orchards,and the total amount of soil water overuse was 1009 mm during the 40 years.The monthly available soil water contents in 0—10 m soil layers declined obviously during the simulation period.However,the fluctuation range was higher in the beginning period than in the later period.The soil desiccation of apple orchards occurred in the period of 1—10 years,11—20 years and 21—40 years and aggravated gradually,but the desiccation rate slowed down,with the soil desiccation rates of 95.4,12 and 1.5 mm per year,respectively.(4) As the soil moisture decreased in 0—10 m soil layers,the thickness of drying layers increased and became deeper gradually with the growth years of apple trees and the deeper of apple roots distribution,and the depth of drying layers distribution was more than 10 m in 14 year-old apple orchard.However,rainfall infiltrated no more than 2 m at Luochuan and there was no water supply below 2 m soil layers,so soil water content in 2—10 m soil layers was stable relatively in 15—40 year-old apple orchards.When apple trees grew to 23 years,soil water in 2—10 soil layers almost could not be used by apple trees,and soil water in 0-2 m soil became the main water resources for the growth of apple trees.Therefore,soil water content varied sharply with the variation of annual rainfalls in 0—2 m soil layers.Both fruit yield and soil desiccation were significantly different in different ages of apple orchards.Considering economic and ecological benefits,reasonable growth and utilization years of apple orchard is 20 years,the longest should not exceed 23 years.
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