Characterization and Evaluation of Agricultural Non-Point Source Pollution Potential in Shaying River Catchment Based on APPI
Abstract:Based on GIS technology, the agricultural non-point source pollution potential index (APPI) system was applied to analysis of spatial distrilDution of agricultural non-point source pollution potentials and pollution loads of the Shaying River Catchment, a typical semi-arid area, consisting of 46 administration villages in Huangqiao Township and Xixiating Town of Xihua County, Henan Province. The APPI system was also applied to the identification of priority control areas and priority control factors, calculation of N and P loading intensities per unit area and total loads of every village, and determination of types of the sources of these pollution loads. Results show that as a whole, in the study area nitrogen is the major factor of the pollution, which mainly comes into the environment with nutrient loss from farmlands and then from rearing of livestock and poultry, contrilDuting 52% and 40%, respectively, to the total pollution load. Dayangzhuang, Zhangzhuang and Qianji are identified as high risk areas and priority control areas, ranking in the top of the list of villages in terms of APPI index, N and P pollution load per unit area and total pollution load, of which the man cause is rearing of livestock and poultry.