The paths of network structure to buyer-seller relationship: Direct or indirect?
Kang-kang YU,Hua SONG
Abstract:With higher intensity of industry competition,manufacturing technology revolution,and diversification of customer demands in the current market,a single company obviously could not deal with the complex and changing environment by itself.Thus,the idea of "double-win" and "triple-win" begins to evolve.Under this circumstance,the corresponding theories and researches about social network,organization network,strategic network,and supply chain network have developed dramatically in recent years.In order to analyze characteristics,structure,and dynamics of vertical market networks,the network perspective is adopted in channel management based on maintaining and developing dyadic relationship.However,most of the current studies focus on the effects of network embeddedness on competitive capability and business performance,while neglect the factor for promoting the dyadic relationship from the information and resources in the network where the dyadic relationship is embedded.The purpose of the research is to explore how network structure affects relational performance,especially relationship satisfaction.According to the widely accepted definition,flexibility is one kind of cagabilities to quickly react to the external environment.Therefore,enhancing this kind of capability is connected with information and resources flowing in the network.Different network structures can also have different effects on different flexibility dimensions.According to resource-based view and dynamic capability theory,this research considers adaptive flexibility as one kind of specific capabilities to adjust to distribution activities after changes have taken places in the external environment.In addition,this study considers proactive flexibility as one kind of dynamic capabilities to predict ahead and adjust distribution activities actively Either capability depends on different kinds of information in the network.Promoting flexibility capability could enhance the level of logistics service quality as well as ensure the timeliness of product supply,which in turn,increases relationship satisfaction.Based on the literature review,the benefits gained through the information-based capability of manufacturer's flexibility from the network where the dyadic relationship is embedded was clarified.Through 212 valid questionnaires collected about manufacturers' flexibility and performance in China,the mediating effect of manufacturer's flexibility on the relationship between distribution network and relationship performance was tested by structural equation modelling.The results show that adaptive flexibility mediates the effect of strong ties on logistics service quality.As strong ties in the network would bring in homogeneous information which is beneficial for the communication between channel members,it makes the focal firm quickly respond to the changes in the supply chain in order to satisfy customers.In contrast,proaetive flexibility mediates the effect of bridging ties on relationship satisfaction.More bridging ties represent heterogeneous background of network members,which constructs more structural holes.Thus,the focal firm in the centre of the network would obtain heterogeneous information to predict changes in the downstream activity and then adjust production and logistics activities.This kind of dynamic capability is unexpected for customers,so the level of satisfaction would be enhanced.On the basis of inter-organizational relationship and network structure,this research analyzes and tests the mediating effects of access flexibility on the relationship between network structure and relationship satisfaction,which supports the theoretical framework of "structure-strategy-performance".