No . 293 R Linking UML Models of Design and Requirement
Jing Liu,Zhiming Liu,He Jifeng,Xiaoshan Li
Abstract:In this paper, both a UML model of requirement and a UML model of a design are defined as a pair of cl ss diagramand a family ofsequence diagrams . We then give an unified semantics for models of requirements and designs. We define the consistency between a design class diagram and the interaction diagrams and show how the removal of inconsistency can be treated as a model refinement. We then formally define the correctness of UML model of design with respect to the model of requirement. This paper is to occur in the proceedings of ASWEC2004, 13-16 April, 2004, Melbourne, Australia. Jing Liu is a Fellow of UNU-IIST from Shanghai University, China, where she is an Associate Professor. Her research areas include Software architecture, development processes and Application of formal methods in system development. E-mail: Zhiming Liu is a Research Fellow at UNU-IIST, on leave from Department of Computer Science at the University of Leicester, Leicester, England where he is lecturer in computer science. His research interests include theory of computing systems, emphasizing on sound methods for specification, verification and refinement of fault-tolerant, real-time and concurrent systems, and formal techniques for OO development. His teaching interests are Communication and Concurrency, Concurrent and Distributed Programming, Internet Security, Software Engineering, Formal specification and Design of Computer Systems. E-mail: He Jifeng is a Senior Research Fellow of UNU/IIST. He is also a professor of computer science at East China Normal University and Shanghai Jiao Tong University. His research interests include the Mathematical theory of programming and refined methods, design techniques for the mixed software and hardware systems. E-mail: Xiaoshan Li is an Associate Professor at the University of Macau. His research areas are interval temporal logic, formal specification and simulation of computer systems, formal methods in system design and implementation. E-mail: Copyright c © 2004by UNU-IIST, Jing Liu, Zhiming Liu, He Jifeng and Xiaoshan Li