Checking Component-Based Designs for Scenario-Based Specifications
Jun HU,Xiao-Feng YU,Yan ZHANG,Lin-Zhang WANG,Xuan-Dong LI,Guo-Liang ZHENG
Jisuanji Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Computers
Abstract:Component-based system design is becoming more and more popular in software engineering. Checking the important behavioral properties formally in the design phase is an effective way to improve the system reliability. In this paper, the authors consider the problem of checking component-based system designs for scenario-based specifications. Specifically, the authors use the interface automata networks to model the component-based system designs which include a set of interface automata synchronized by shared actions, and the scenario-based specifications are specified by UML sequence diagrams. Based on investigating the reachability graph of the state space of the interface automata networks, the authors develop several algorithms to check the existential consistency and mandatory consistency including the forward, backward and bidirectional consistency.