Modified Trigger Mode of Streak Camera to Measure Bunch Longitudinal Distribution in HLS II
Hao Li,Xiaoyu Liu,Ping Lu,Biao Sun,Lulu Tang,Ji Wang,Fangfang Wu,Yongliang Yang,Zhengrong Zhou
Abstract:In Hefei Light Source, the streak camera was used to measure the bunch length and longitudinal distribution using synchronous light. As the RF frequency of HLS II was 204 MHz, the streak camera worked at the frequency of 102 MHz (half of 204 MHz). Because of the bunch lengthening, the streak camera faced the problem, the streak image on the phosphor screen will overlap when the bunch length was above 200.5 ps@5% linear error and 10% overlap. In order to solve this problem, an effective solution was to change the working frequency of the streak camera to 136 MHz (two thirds of 204 MHz), and then the streak image on the phosphor screen will overlap when the bunch length was above 285.6 ps@5% linear error and 10% overlap. So a front-end electronic was needed before the synchronizing signals feed into the streak camera. The frontend electronic was designed to convert the 204 MHz synchronizing signal to 136 MHz. INTRODUCTION Hefei Light Source is an electron storage ring with 800 MeV energy, and its RF frequency is 204 MHz. When it is working under single-bunch patterns, the bunch space is 220 ns and the natural bunch length is 110 ps [1]. Besides when it is working under multi-bunch patterns, the bunch length is about 240~305 ps while the beam current is from 100 to 200 mA [2]. Because of the bunch lengthening, the bunch length is increasing rapidly along with the increase of the beam current [3]. The streak camera used to work at a frequency of 102 MHz, but the measurement got error when the bunch length was above 200.5 ps @5% linear error and 10% overlap. It has been confirmed that the streak camera could avoid the error if changing its working frequency to 136 MHz when the bunch length is under 285.6 ps in theory, so we designed and made a front-end electronic to realize the frequency conversion from 204 MHz to 136 MHz. In this paper we will introduce operating principles of the streak camera, synchronous sweep under different trigger modes and the front-end electronic. INTRODUCTION TO STREAK CAMERA A streak camera developed at Optronis Company in Germany was adopted in HLS II. Streak camera is an instrument to measure ultra-high-fast optical phenomenon and it can provide intensity, time and location information of the light. Figure 1: Operating principle of the streak camera. Figure 1 shows operating principles of the streak camera. The light being measured first passes a slit, and is formed into a slit image on the photocathode of streak tube by an optics system. There, four optics pulses which have slightly difference in space and time and different intensities reach the photocathode through the slit. The light reaching the photocathode is converted into series of electrons proportional to the light intensity. Then, these electrons pass a pair of accelerating electrodes where they are accelerated and struck against the phosphor screen. When electrons generated by four optics pluses pass a pair of sweep electrodes, the relationship between the incident light and the high voltage applied to the sweep electrode is shown in Fig. 2. Figure 2: Operating timing (at time of sweep). During the high-speed sweep, the electrons having a slight time lag will have a different angle deflection in vertical direction and then enter the MCP. When passing the MCP, the electrons are amplified thousands of times, and then strike against the phosphor screen converting into light again. On the phosphor screen, the phosphor image on the uppermost position corresponds to the earliest optics pulse and other images are in order from the top to the bottom. Meanwhile, the brightness of the phosphor images is in direct proportion to the intensity of incident optics pulses [4]. In this way, we can obtain the incident optics intensity from the brightness of the phosphor image, and the time and position from the location of the phosphor image [4]. The streak camera measurement system in HLS II is composed of trigger unit, synchrotron light extracting unit, OPTOSCOPE streak camera, readout unit, frame-grabber board and computer. The system configuration is shown in Fig. 3 [5]. _________________ * Supported by the National Science Foundation of China (11575181, 11175173) # Corresponding author (email: MOPMB041 Proceedings of IPAC2016, Busan, Korea ISBN 978-3-95450-147-2 184 C op yr ig ht © 20 16 C C -B Y3. 0 an d by th e re sp ec tiv e au th or s 06 Beam Instrumentation, Controls, Feedback and Operational Aspects T03 Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation Figure 3: The system configuration of streak camera. SYNCHRONOUS SWEEP The streak camera used to work at a frequency of 102 MHz in HLS II, the scan speed of FSSU1-ST is 100 ps/mm, the time range is 1950 ps. Under these conditions, the unit time sequence of synchronous sweep is shown in Fig. 4. Because the harmonic number is 45, when the trigger signal triggers at zero point of the sweep signal, the bunch will appear on the mid of phosphor screen (see mid of Fig. 4) and format a streak image. In this case, the head and tail of the image will get overlapped. Therefore, we cannot observe the tilt of longitudinal distribution caused by potential well effect. By delaying the trigger signal, the trigger signal triggers at an appropriate position of sweep signal, then two streak images of bunch in positive and negative half cycle are shown on the phosphor screen (see bottom of Fig .4). At this time, the tilt of longitudinal distribution caused by potential well effect can be observed. However, if the bunch length is larger than 227 ps@10% overlap or longitudinal vibration amplitude is out of range, the overlap is still existed. If the linear error is less than 5%, the bunch length should be less than 200.5 ps. So, in order to avoid overlap and to reduce linear error, the bunch length should be less than 200.5 ps. That cannot meet the requirement to measure the bunch length and longitudinal distribution in HLS II. So we have to make improvement to the trigger mode of the streak camera. -1000