Analysis of embryo, cytoplasmic and maternal correlations for quality traits of rapeseed ( Brassica napus L.) across environments

C. H. Shi,H. Z. Zhang,J. G. Wu
Journal of Genetics
Abstract:derived at maturity from eight plants in the middle part of each plot. Samples of F1 seeds analysed were obtained by using the method of isolated pollination during the flower- ing season. Fatty acids—palmitic acid content (PAC), oleic acid content (OAC), linoleic acid content (LAC), linolenic acid content (LLAC), eicosenoic acid content (EIAC) and erucic acid content (EAC)—were determined (%) by gas chromatography (Zhou and Liu 1987) on a Shimadzu GC- 9A. Glucosinolate content (GSLC; µmol/g), oil content (OC; %) and protein content (PC; %) were also determined by near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy using a NIRSystems model 5000 monochromator (Shenk and Westerhaus 1993), for which about 3 g of each intact sample was scanned in a small ring cup of 36 mm inner diameter. Since the performance of rapeseed quality traits could be simultaneously controlled by different genetic systems, including diploid embryo, cytoplasm and diploid maternal plant, the genotypic correlation among these seed-quality traits may be further partitioned into different components, including embryo additive and dominance correlations, cyto- plasmic correlation, maternal additive and dominance corre- lations, and their G × E interaction correlations. The pheno- typic correlation (rP = CP/ VP(X)VP(Y)) and genotypic cor- relation (rG = CG/ VG(X)VG(Y)) components among seed- quality traits were estimated by using the genetic model for quantitative traits of the diploid plant (Zhu 1992; Zhu and Weir 1994). rG was further partitioned into (i) ge- netic main correlation (rGM = CGM/ VGM(X)VGM(Y) ) compo- nents, including embryo additive (r A = CA/ VA(X)VA(Y)) and dominance (rD = CD/ VD(X)VD(Y)) correlations, cy- toplasmic correlation (rC = CC/ VC(X)VC(Y)), and mater- nal additive (rAm = CAm/ VAm(X)VAm(Y)) and dominance (rDm = CDm/ VDm(X)VDm(Y)) correlations; and (ii) G × E in- teraction correlation (rGE = CGE/ VGE(X)VGE(Y)), including embryo additive (rAE = CAE/ VAE(X)VAE(Y)) and dominance
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