The low emittance photoinjector in tsinghua university*

W. Huang,Q. Du
Abstract:A photo cathode RF gun with metal cathode is under developing in Tsinghua University. The initial emittance caused by the roughness of the cathode is studied and an analytical expression of it is given in this paper. From the roughness of the cathode we are using, the emittance caused by the roughness is about 0.3mm.mrad/mm. This paper gives the design and preparation of the RF gun system, such as the microwave measurement results. The laser system from COHERENT with pulse length 2~12ps and energy 250μJ at wavelength of 266nm is ready, and the time jitter to the RF field is less than 200fs. INTRODUCTION The photocathode RF gun is commonly used to get a low emittance electron bunch. There are several aspects to be considered to design a photocathode RF gun for low emittance electron beam. From the cathode, there will be initial emittance, which is very important, for it cannot be compensated. The initial emittance is from the initial kinetic energy of photoelectrons caused by the UV photons and the roughness of the surface of the cathode. The electric field gradient should be as high as possible to suppress the space charge effects. The cavity shape and rf power feed-in coupling design may cause asymmetry of the rf field and the multi-pole modes can cause the emittance growth. The performance of the laser also plays an important role. For example, the transverse and longitudinal distribution of the laser pulse will exit similar electron bunch from the cathode, and influence the space charge force in the electron bunch. The laser pulse shaping is normally used to improve the electron bunch quality. There are still some other factors influencing the emittance of a photocathode rf gun, such as the focus coil and time jitter. In Tsinghua University, a BNL/KEK/SHI type rf gun is designed, manufactured, and measured. Now the testing stand is ready and the first beam will be got these days. The pictures of the gun after wielding and the cathode are shown in figure 1. THE INITIAL EMITTANCE FROM THE CATHODE The initial emittance of a photocathode RF gun is from the cathode and the laser system. One part is the thermal emittance caused by the photons, and the other part is caused by the electric field on a rough surface. To analyze the thermal emittance of an idea flat metal photocathode, a model for the electron kinetic energy distribution emitted from the photocathode is presented [1]. And the average kinetic energy parallel to the cathode surface is, 3 // , φ ν − = h E flat kin (1) A formula of the thermal emittance of an idea flat cathode is derived as shown in Eq.2. Here we assume a uniform space distribution with a radius of R. 2 0 , , 3 2 c m h R flat rms n φ ν ε − ⋅ = (2) The Roughness Caused Emittance The reported measurement results of thermal emittance of copper and magnesium cathode [2,3]are significantly larger than theoretical prediction. This fact may imply that surface roughness effect may have significant contribution to the initial emittance. We assume a simplified roughness model, as shown in figure 2. It’s a one-dimensional approximation with the Figure 2: The model used to analyze the influence of the ___________________________________________ *Work supported by NCET Ch. Tang , W. Huang, X. He, Q. Du, Y. Du, Y. Lin,
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