Structure theorem for Hopf group-coalgebra
Lihong Dong,Shengxiang Wang,Shuanhong Wang
Abstract:Let π be a group with a unit 1; H is a Hopf π-coalgebra and A is a right π-H-comodule algebra. First, the notion of a two-sided relative (A, H)-Hopf π-comodule is introduced; then it is obtained that HomA H(M, N) ⊗ H and HOMA(M, N) are isomorphic as right Hopf π-H-comodules, where HomA H(M, N) denotes the space of right A-module right H-comodule morphisms and HOMA(M, N) denotes the rational space of a space HomA(M, N) of right A-module morphisms. Secondly, the structure theorem of endomorphism algebras of two-sided relative (A, H)-Hopf π-comodules is established; that is, EndA H(M)#H and ENDA(M, N) are isomorphic as right Hopf π-H-comodules and algebras. © right.