Homotopy Invariants of Braided Commutative Algebras and the Deligne Conjecture for Finite Tensor Categories
Christoph Schweigert,Lukas Woike
Abstract:It is easy to find algebras $\mathbb{T}\in\mathcal{C}$ in a finite tensor category $\mathcal{C}$ that naturally come with a lift to a braided commutative algebra $\mathsf{T}\in Z(\mathcal{C})$ in the Drinfeld center of $\mathcal{C}$. In fact, any finite tensor category has at least two such algebras, namely the monoidal unit $I$ and the canonical end $\int_{X\in\mathcal{C}} X\otimes X^\vee$. Using the theory of braided operads, we prove that for any such algebra $\mathbb{T}$ the homotopy invariants, i.e. the derived morphism space from $I$ to $\mathbb{T}$, naturally come with the structure of a differential graded $E_2$-algebra. This way, we obtain a rich source of differential graded $E_2$-algebras in the homological algebra of finite tensor categories. We use this result to prove that Deligne's $E_2$-structure on the Hochschild cochain complex of a finite tensor category is induced by the canonical end, its multiplication and its non-crossing half braiding. With this new and more explicit description of Deligne's $E_2$-structure, we can lift the Farinati-Solotar bracket on the Ext algebra of a finite tensor category to an $E_2$-structure at cochain level. Moreover, we prove that, for a unimodular pivotal finite tensor category, the inclusion of the Ext algebra into the Hochschild cochains is a monomorphism of framed $E_2$-algebras, thereby refining a result of Menichi.
Quantum Algebra,Representation Theory