Reflection Asymmetric Shapes in the Neutron-Rich 140,143Ba Isotopes
zhu shengjiang,wang muge,j h hamilton,a v ramayya,b r s babu,w c ma,long guilu,deng jingkang,zhu lingyan,li ming,t n ginter,j komicki,j d cole,r aryaeinejad,y k dardenne,m w drigert,j o rasmussen,ts yu oganessian,mark a stoyer,s y chu,kenneth e gregorich,m f mohar,s g prussin,i y lee,n r johnson,f k mcgowan
Chinese Physics Letters
Abstract:Level schemes for the neutron-rich 140,143Ba nuclei have been determined by study of prompt ��-rays in spontaneous fission of 252Cf. The level pattern and enhanced E1 transitions between �� = + and �� = - bands show reflection asymmetric shapes with simplex quantum number s = +1 in 140Ba and s = ��i in 143Ba, respectively. The octupole deformation stability with spin variation has been discussed. ?by Allerton Press, Inc.