Research of microprocessor device and software for remote control of a robotic system
Andrii Zuiev,Viktoriia Krylova,Anatolii Hapon,Stanislav Honcharov
Technology audit and production reserves
Abstract:The modern stage of the development of intelligent robotic systems is characterized by the expansion of fields of application, which is due to autonomous work and decision-making in conditions of uncertainty. The object of research is the system of remote control of robotic systems. During the remote control of robotic systems, problems arise that are associated with the use of wireless communication in real time. The article analyzes software and hardware implementations of various remote control systems suitable for use as part of autonomous robotic systems and analyzes promising microcontroller platforms for implementing a remote control device for a robotic system. A brief review of existing protocols for transmitting control signals using radio communication equipment and microprocessor platforms for the development of embedded systems is performed, among which a solution is selected for research. Several approaches to the control of a robotic system are highlighted – control using a wired connection and corresponding protocols, control via wireless communication or via the Internet, control via general-purpose network protocols. The target platform is chosen and justified, and the S.BUS protocol is analyzed with the provision of an algorithm for obtaining the values of the control channels from the S.BUS package. The structure and algorithm of functioning of the microprocessor remote control system based on the ESP32 microcontroller and the FreeRTOS OS are given. A study of the operation process of the proposed remote control system is carried out, for which it is placed on the chassis of a ground autonomous robotic system with four-wheel drive, and the delay time of the control signal from the receiver to the engine control modules is determined. According to the conducted analysis, the expediency of using specialized radio communication equipment with the S.BUS protocol for controlling executive devices as part of a robotic system, for precise movement control in real time, is shown.