Annual Progress Review 2005 Comprehensive Electromagnetic Modeling and Transient Analysis of On-chip Noise Chapter 3. Publications List and Seminar Series....................................37 Chapter 1 General Introduction 1. Director's Foreword Associate Professors: Research Scientists and Visitin
Jin Kyu Byun,Ki Hyuk Kim,Shu Qing Li,Vitaliy Lomakin,Rickard Petersson,Guoqiang Shen,Hui Su,Meisong Tong,Gong Li Wang,Zhiyong Zeng,Jinkyu Bang,I-Ting Chiang,Chia-hsin Chao,Takafumi Fujimoto,Levent Gurel,Wen Ying Ruan,Jukka Sarvas,Francesco P. Andriulli,Phillip Atkins,Hakan Bağcı,Joe Banasiak,Qin Chen,M. C. Chuang,Joon Chung,Dan Connolly,Davi Correira,Garvin Cung,Clayton P. Davis,Zhichao Deng,L. Dong,Eric Dunn,Matthew Fisher,Joshua A. Fladie,Rong li Gao,Andrew Hesford,Erik P. Hoffman,Ran Hu,Gregory H. Huff,Jai-Yong Ihm,Peilin Jiang,Kiersten Kerby,Jungho Kim,Dmitri Klokotov,Varvara Kollia,Peter K. Kondratko,Vasileios Kourloulos,Samuel C. L. Kuo,Shih-Hao Lee,Maytee Lerttamrab,Jian Li,Maokun Li,Yujia Li,Yuan Liu,Zheng David Lou,Meng Lu
Abstract:In 2005, we did research in various areas in electromagnetics and optoelectronics. In antenna research, progress was made in antenna arrays, antennas for wireless and various sensing applications. Much computational electromagnetics research on antennas and circuits have been performed as a result of demand in the area. Work continues to progress in the optoelectronics area on slow light and quantum cascade lasers. The undergraduate courses provide a balanced education for undergraduates. The graduate courses are related to the research topics of the professors. Students are often required to do a term project to gain first-hand experience in the field. The Center for Computational Electromagnetics and Electromagnetics Laboratory is endowed with the following computational resources: • 1 mini-supercomputer, 16-node Intel cluster with 2 GHz processors, 8 GBytes of memory, 640 GBytes of storage. • 1 mini-supercomputer cluster with 32 nodes Intel Pentium III processors 850 MHz, 100 Mbps Ethernet (donated by Intel). The Electromagnetics Laboratory has several vector network analyzers including a HP 8510D network analyzer (45 MHz-50 GHz) with a Cascade Microtech probe station and an Agilent PNA series network analyzer (E8363GB, 10 MHz-40 GHz). This covers the P, S, X, Ku, K, Ka and Q bands for microwave and millimeter-wave measurements. A small portable anechoic chamber for 26-40 GHz uses this network analyzer for high frequency antenna measurements. Through the support of the DURIP program, 4 the Laboratory has assembled a state-of-the-art phased array bit error rate (BER) testing system. The system can be configured for either traditional coherent continuous wave antenna testing or for bit error rate testing. The BER testing system can implement a variety of standard or user-defined modulations, noise impairments, and propagation models with the help of specialized software from Agilent. This unique facility will enable us to apply new findings to optimize system behavior and to create entirely new avenues of research into the relationships between antenna and array characteristics, signal processing, and achievable system performance. The BER testing system includes an E4443A PSA series spectrum analyzer, a E4438C ESG vector signal generator, and a E8247C PSG CW signal generator, all from Agilent. The Agilent PNA series network analyzer (E8363GB, 10 MHz-40 GHz) is also used for circuit and automated antenna characterization with the Laboratory's large anechoic chamber. For time-domain measurements, the lab is equipped with a high-bandwidth digitizing scope 50 GHz HP 54750A 2-channel 18 GHz differential time-domain reflectometer HP 54754A. In addition, …