Experimental research on the combustion characteristics of Yuanbaoshan ignite pulverized coal in a drop tube furnace
Hui Liu,KeFu Li,Penghua Qiu,Qingxi Cao,Shaohua Wu,Yukun Qin
Abstract:Yuan Baoshan Lignite coal, used in demonstrational project of reburning technology, was studied. Experiments, aiming at the relationship between the combustion Characteristics of Pulverized cool and the emission of NOx with different size, were conducted in a drop-tube furnace with the similar combustion condition to that in actual pulverized coal furnace. Under the experimental condition, it is shown that, with the increase of the residence time, the concentration of O2 and NOx among the combustion product, decreases, the burn-off rate increases, that is, the quantity of volatile and char in the ash deceases. And with the decrease of particle size, the quantity of oxygen in the combustion products and the quantity of volatile and char in the ash will decrease limitedly, which indicates the finite increase of burn-off rate. Initially, tin: quantity of NOx produced by small coal particles is more than that produced by lager ones; however, with the increase of reaction time, the situation is opposite in the end. The phenomenon results from the fact that char from small coal particles, with lager specific area, possesses more powerful ability to deoxidize, and the deoxidization of NOx needs some time to process. All the results, referenced by the demonstrational project.