Study on the Numerical Model of Gas-Liquid Dispersion Driven by a Coaxial Mixer
Chao Yang,Hancheng Lu,Zhe Li,Zilong Xu,Baoqing Liu
Abstract:Asthe flow basis for gas-liquid mixing, turbulence playsan important role in the movement of bubbles in a stirred tank. Motivatedby the fact that the current models in the framework of computationalfluid dynamics-population balance model lack an adequate assessmentof the turbulence effects, the coaxial mixer was chosen as the subjectof study, and different turbulence models, drag models, and breakupand coalescence models were compared and optimized. The results showedthat the RNG k-epsilon model better characterizedthe turbulent scale and achieved a higher exactness for the gas-phaseconcentration in the axial direction. The Luo-Luo model modifiedbased on the eddy capture mechanism could effectively describe thecoalescence and breakup processes of bubbles. Additionally, in thepresence of strong turbulence, the Ishii & Zuber model and theBrucato model outperformed other models in predicting gas dispersionand flow structure but still failed to capture the peak gas holdup.By analyzing the available data, a new correlation was proposed toelucidate the increase in drag coefficient caused by turbulence, whichsignificantly improved the prediction accuracy of gas holdup.