QCD results from studies of hadronic events produced in e(+)e(-) annihilations at root s = 183 GeV

m acciarri,o adriani,m aguilarbenitez,s p ahlen,j alcaraz,g alemanni,j allaby,a aloisio,m g alviggi,g ambrosi,h anderhub,v andreev,t angelescu,f anselmo,a arefiev,t azemoon,t aziz,p bagnaia,l baksay,sw banerjee,k banicz,a barczyk,r barillere,l barone,p bartalini,a baschirotto,m basile,r battiston,a bay,f becattini,u becker,f behner,j berdugo,p berges,b bertucci,b l betev,saptaparna bhattacharya,m biasini,a biland,g m bilei,j j blaising,s blyth,g j bobbink,r bock,a bohm,l boldizsar,b borgia,d bourilkov,m bourquin,s braccini,j g branson,v brigljevic,i brock,a buffini,a buijs,j d burger,w j burger,j busenitz,a button,x d cai,m campanelli,m capell,g cara romeo,g carlino,a m cartacci,j casaus,g castellini,f cavallari,n cavallo,c cecchi,m cerrada,f cesaroni,m chamizo,y h chang,u k chaturvedi,m chemarin,a chen,g m chen,h s chen,x chereau,g chiefari,c y chien,l cifarelli,f cindolo,c civinini,i clare,r clare,g coignet,a p colijn,n colino,s costantini,f cotorobai,b de la cruz,a csilling,t s dai,r dalessandro,r de asmundis,a degre,k deiters,d della volpe,p denes,f denotaristefani,m diemoz,d van dierendonck,f di lodovico,c dionisi,m dittmar,a dominguez,a doria,m t dova,d duchesneau,p duinker,i duran,s easo,h el mamouni,a engler,f j eppling,f c erne,p extermann,m fabre,r faccini,m a falagan,s falciano,a favara,j fay,o l fedin,m felcini,t ferguson,f ferroni,h fesefeldt,e fiandrini,j h field,f filthaut,p h fisher,i fisk,g forconi,l fredj,k freudenreich,c furetta,yu galaktionov,s n ganguli,p garciaabia,m gataullin,s s gau,s gentile,n gheordanescu,s giagu,s goldfarb,joel goldstein,z f gong,a gougas,g gratta,m w gruenewald,r van gulik,v k gupta,a gurtu,l j gutay,david w haas,b hartmann,a hasan,despina hatzifotiadou,t hebbeker,alain herve,p hidas,j hirschfelder,w c van hoek,h hofer,hafeez r hoorani,s r hou,g hu,i iashvili,b n jin,l w jones,p de jong,i josamutuberria,r a khan,d kamrad,j s kapustinsky,m kaur,m n kienzlefocacci,d h kim,jin ki kim,s c kim,w w kinnison,a kirkby,d kirkby,j kirkby,d kiss,w kittel,a klimentov,a c konig,anna katharina kopp,i korolko,v koutsenko,r w kraemer,w krenz,a kunin,p lacentre,p ladron de guevara,i laktineh,g landi,c lapoint,k lassilaperini,p laurikainen,a lavorato,m lebeau,a lebedev,p lebrun,p lecomte,p lecoq,p le coultre,hyuk jun lee,j m le goff,r leiste,e leonardi,p levtchenko,c li,c h lin,w t lin,f l linde,l lista,z a liu,w lohmann,e longo,weiming lu,y s lu,k lubelsmeyer,c luci,d luckey,l luminari,w lustermann,w g ma,manas maity,g majumder,l malgeri,a malinin,c mana,d mangeol,p marchesini,g marian,alexandru marin,j p martin,f marzano,g g g massaro,k mazumdar,r r mcneil,s mele,l merola,m meschini,w j metzger,m von der mey,d migani,a mihul,a j w van mil,h milcent,g mirabelli,j mnich,p molnar,b monteleoni,r moore,t moulik,r mount,g s muanza,f muheim,a j m muijs,s nahn,m napolitano,f nessitedaldi,h b newman,t niessen,a nippe,a nisati,h nowak,y d oh,g organtini,r ostonen,c palomares,d pandoulas,s paoletti,p paolucci,h k park,i h park,g pascale,g passaleva,s patricelli,t paul,m pauluzzi,c paus,f pauss,d peach,m pedace,y j pei,s pensotti,d perretgallix,b a petersen,s petrak,a pevsner,d piccolo,m pieri,p a piroue,e pistolesi,v plyaskin,m pohl,v pojidaev,h postema,j pothier,n produit,d prokofiev,j quartieri,g rahalcallot,n raja,p g rancoita,m rattaggi,g raven,p a razis,dong ren,m rescigno,s reucroft,t van rhee,s riemann,k riles,a robohm,j rodin,b p roe,l romero,s rosierlees,s roth,j a rubio,d ruschmeier,h rykaczewski,s sakar,j salicio,e sanchez,m p sanders,m e sarakinos,c schafer,v a schegelsky,s schmidtkaerst,d schmitz,n scholz,h schopper,d j schotanus,j schwenke,g schwering,c sciacca,d sciarrino,l servoli,s shevchenko,n shivarov,v shoutko,j shukla,e shumilov,a shvorob,t siedenburg,d son,brian j smith,p spillantini,m steuer,d p stickland,a stone,h stone,b stoyanov,a straessner,k sudhakar,g sultanov,l z sun,g susinno,h suter,j d swain,z szillasi,x w tang,l tauscher,l taylor,c timmermans,samuel c c ting,s c tonwar,j toth,c tully,k l tung,yujiro uchida,j ulbricht,e valente,g vesztergombi,i vetlitsky,g viertel,s villa,m vivargent,s vlachos,helmut vogel,h vogt,i vorobiev,a a vorobyov,a vorvolakos,m wadhwa,w wallraff,j c wang,x l wang,z m wang,a weber,s x wu,s wynhoff,jianhui xu,z z xu,b z yang,c g yang,h j yang,mao yang,j b ye,s c yeh,j m you,an zalite,yu zalite,p zemp,yu zeng,z p zhang,bo zhou,g y zhu,r y zhu,a zichichi,f ziegler,g zilizi
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S0370-2693(98)01404-X
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
Abstract:We present results obtained from a study of the structure of hadronic events recorded by the L3 detector at a centre-of-mass energy of 183 GeV. The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 55.3 pb(-1). The distributions of event shape variables and the energy dependence of their mean values are measured. From a comparison with resummed O(alpha(s)(2)) QCD calculations, we determine the strong coupling constant alpha(s) (183 GeV) = 0.1086 +/- 0.0026(exp) +/- 0.0054(th). The charged particle multiplicity distribution and momentum spectrum are studied and the energy dependence of the peak position of the xi(= - ln x(p)) distribution is compared with lower energy measurements and QCD expectations. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.
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