Comparison of Visual Function and Vision-Related Quality of Life after Restor Multi-Focal Intraocular Lens +3.00 D to +4.00 D
LIU fang,WANG fang,SU Yan,MA Lie,CAO zhijie,GU liping
Abstract:Objective To compare the visual acuity outcomes of Restor multi-focal intraocular lens +3.00 D to +4.00 D at different distances and to evaluated the impact on the quality of life.Methods A retrospective study from 2009 November to 2011 October in Suzhou Eye Hospital,59 cases (67 eyes) patients,male 29 cases (32 eyes),female patients 30 cases (35 eyes) were involved.The patients were divided into two groups,30 cases (33 eyes) in group A,implantation of +3D ReSTOR SN6AD1; 29 cases (34 eyes) in group B,implantation of +4D SN6AD3 multi-focal lens.Eye examinations were performed after post-operative 1 day,1 week,1 month,3 months and 1 year.Different distance visual acuities measurements were done at posioperative 3 months.Visual function and quality of life questionnaire score (assessed using the U.S.National Eye Institute Visual Functioning Questionnaire-25) were performed at 3 months follow-up.All the patients were follow-up 3-24 months (8.42±2.24 months).Results The two groups of patients with postoperative uncorrected far,near distance visual acuity had no statistical difference significance (P >0.05),while 40cm,60cm and 70cm uncorrected visual acuity of +3D SN6AD1 group was higher than that in +4D SN6AD3 group,the difference was statistically significant (P <0.05).In two groups,the rates of removal of glassed at far distance after surgery were 96% and 97%,respectively; while the rates of removal of glassed at near distance after operation were 85% (28/33) in SN6AD1,88% in SN6AD3 group (30/34),with no significant differences.Two groups had little difficult or difficult on identifying tiny objects.Visual function in the investigation of the subjective vision,visual adaptation,peripheral vision and space perception ability score,there was no statistically significant between the two groups (P >0.05).Quality of life score,including patient self-care,social life,difficult degree and psychological factor score,1.216 of SN6AD1 group,1.484 of SN6AD3 group,the difference was not statistically significant.Conclusions The two type of Restor intraocular lens SN6AD1 and SN6AD3 can provide full visual acuity and bring satisfactory visual effect.SN6AD1 is more comfortable for most of the senile cataract patients,while SN6AD3 is the better choice for myopia patients.