0517 Effect of buffalo αs1-casein polymorphism on the semi-hard Monterey Jack-type cheese quality
Lin Li,Q. Zeng,Daxi Ren,Lusheng Huang,Y. Tang
DOI: https://doi.org/10.2527/jam2016-0517
Journal of Animal Science
Abstract:The influence of αs1-casein polymorphisms on milk processing properties, and cheese quality of cow milk have been well researched, while the effect of buffalo milk protein polymorphisms on cheese quality is still unclear. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of buffalo αs1-casein polymorphisms on the quality of semi-hard Monterey Jack-type cheese. Water buffalo milk with different αs1-casein genotype (BB and AB) and the same κ-casein (BB) and β-casein (BB) type was collected from local dairy farm, mixed sample from milk tank was used as control. The protein/fat ratio of buffalo milk was standardized to 0.75(g/g), then fresh Monterey Jack-type cheese was made according to the standard procedure, vacuum-packaged and stored at 4°C, samples were tested at 7 d. The composition (fat, protein, ash, Ca and P), texture and color difference (CD) of cheese samples with manufactured from milk with different αs1-casein (BB, AB and control) type were analyzed. Results showed that cheese made from milk with BB type αs1-casein (BB type cheese) contained significantly lower fat, but higher protein, ash, Ca and P content in DM than AB type (P < 0.05). The Ca/protein content of BB type cheese was 3.78g/100g, which was also higher than AB type (3.51g/100g) and control (3.60 g/100g). For the texture, hardness and springiness of BB type cheese were 41.21 N and 6.31 mm, significant higher than AB type (29.45 N, 5.56 mm) and control (38.21 N, 5.25 mm), except that, the gumminess, adhesiveness and chewiness of BB type cheese were also higher than AB type (P < 0.05). For the CD, b value of BB type cheese was lower than AB type (P < 0.05), which means the cheese color of BB type was more white. In conclusion, the quality of semi-hard Monterey Jack-type buffalo milk cheese was related with αs1-casein polymorphism, BB type cheese has the best texture and color for traditional Monterey Jack-type cheese.