Timing Estimation Algorithm Incorporating Spatial Position for Monolithic PET Detector
Zhenlei Lyu,Peng Fan,Yaqiang Liu,Shi Wang,Zhaoxia Wu,Tianyu Ma
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/nssmic.2017.8533094
Abstract:In pixelated PET detector, extraction of timing information is very simple and does not need any complex algorithm. However, in monolithic PET detector, the conventional timing extraction method is not optimal in any sense because it doesn't incorporate any statistical model. Due to optical photon transport within monolithic crystal, the timing information of each SiPM signal has a correlation with gamma interaction position. Based on this correlation, timing estimation algorithm incorporating spatial position for the monolithic PET detector is studied to improve timing resolution. The whole physical process in monolithic PET detector is analyze carefully and the timing properties of detector signals is modeled. Based on Monte Carlo simulation, the correlation between gamma interaction position and timing information is fully validated. Based on a 21×21×21 mm
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LYSO crystal and SiPM (SensL MicroFJ-30035), two different monolithic detectors (Single Ended and Dual Ended) are proposed to be evaluated. Based on Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN), two different timing estimation algorithm were established. The simulation results shows that the timing resolution of conventional, MLE and ANN timing estimation algorithm are 148.0ps, 129.4ps, 112.1ps in Single Ended detector and 121.1ps, 112.7ps, 97.3ps in Dual Ended detector. The timing resolution of Dual Ended detector is better than Single Ended detector with any timing estimation algorithms. Compared with conventional timing estimation algorithm, two timing estimation algorithms incorporating spatial position can achieve better timing resolution. In conclusion, incorporating spatial position of gamma interaction into timing estimation algorithm can obviously improve timing resolution. The ANN has the best timing performance in both Single Ended detector and Dual Ended detector.