Radially Oscillating and Quasi-Guided Surface Plasmon Polaritons in Cylindrical Metallic Nanostructures
Hang Lian,Ying Gu,Luojia Wang,Haitao Liu,Qihuang Gong
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1364/ol.39.003282
Abstract:We analytically propose radially oscillating and quasi-guided surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) by designing the outer and core dielectric permittivities epsilon(a) and epsilon(c) of a cylindrical metallic nanotube. When the propagation constant satisfies root epsilon(a) < Re (k(z)/k(0)) < root epsilon(c), the electromagnetic field propagates along the radial direction in the core region and decays outside the nanotube, forming a standing radially oscillating SPP. In contrast, when root epsilon(c) < Re (k(z)/k(0)) < root epsilon(a), the electromagnetic field decays in the core region and propagates outside the nanotube, forming a quasi-guided SPP. The propagation length of both SPPs can reach tens of micrometers, in particular, the radially oscillating SPPs have an ultrastrong light confinement. Finally, we design position-flexible broadband plasmonic router based on quasi-guided SPPs, and we also discuss the advantages of a nanolaser based on radially oscillating SPPs. (C) 2014 Optical Society of America