Doping method for opacifier and fiber in aerogel composites
GUO JiangFeng,ZHAO Yue,TANG GuiHua
Chinese Science Bulletin
Abstract:Silica aerogel as a super-insulating material is widely used inthermal protection system of spacecraft and aircraft. However, thesignificant radiative heat transfer causes obvious deterioration inthe insulation capability of silica aerogel at high temperature becausethe pure silica aerogel is almost transparent to infrared radiationin such a spectrum range. Doping fibers or opacifiers could greatlyimprove the thermal insulation properties at high temperature. In this paper, we determine the optimal temperature-dependent sizefor typical opacifiers and silica fibers by calculating radiativeproperties. Suppose that the opacifier particles are spherical andthe fiber is an infinite cylinder. According to the Mie scatteringtheory, the extinction efficiency factor of single opacifier particleand single fiber could be obtained. Then, the extinction coefficientcould be calculated which characterizes thermal insulation performanceof aerogel composites. The results show that the radiative thermalconductivity increases with increasing temperature, thus smaller particlesand thinner fibers are more suitable for doping at high temperature.In addition, the carbon black has the best extinction characteristicin the four types of studied opacifiers (carbon black, SiC, ZrO 2 and TiO 2 ), but it will be oxidized at high temperature.Compared with TiO 2 and ZrO 2 , the insulatingperformance of the SiC opacifier is more effective at high temperature. Although doping opacifier or fiber in silica aerogel provides abetter extinction function, it might increase the heat conduction.Therefore, we could achieve an optimal doping amount at the minimumeffective thermal conductivity, in other words, the highest insulatingcapability. The effective thermal conductivity in doped silica aerogelis equal to the sum of the conductive thermal conductivity and theradiative thermal conductivity. The optimal temperature-dependentdoping amount is obtained by minimizing the effective thermal conductivity.The results show that the optimal doping of both opacifier and fiberamount in silica aerogel increases with the temperature. In addition,the carbon black behaves the strongest ability to inhibit heat transferwhen the temperature is below 600K, while the SiC doped silica aerogelhas the most effective performance in suppressing heat transfer whenthe temperature is higher than 600K. Optimized results were applied to design multi-layer doping witha temperature gradient. Each layer is doped with the correspondingoptimal size and amount of opacifiers and fibers according to thetemperature. Assuming that the temperature changes linearly in thedirection of heat transfer, we studied four multi-layer solutionsas follows. Solution 1 is the only SiC opacifier multi-layer doping.Solution 2 is SiC and carbon black opacifier multi-layer doping. Carbonblack opacifier only exists in the temperature below 600K, otherwisethe SiC is doped, which could ensure that only a single type of opacifierwas doped for each layer. Solution 3 is the only silica fiber multi-layerdoping. Solution 4 is the optimal co-doping of opacifier and silicafiber, which is similar to Solution 2 but mingled with silica fiberin each layer. The results show that the silica fiber only dopinghas the smallest effective thermal conductivity, and the co-dopedsilica aerogel with carbon black, SiC opacifier and silica fiber hasthe smallest radiative thermal conductivity. To verify the above results, the back temperature curve of dopedsilica aerogel was measured. Silica aerogel doped with various typesof opacifiers and SiC in different particle sizes and doping amountswere considered. In addition, the back temperature of SiC-multi-layerdoped silica aerogel was investigated. The predictions agree withexperimental results qualitatively.