Vyjayanthi Chari,Naihuan Jing
Abstract:Using vertex operators, we construct explicitly Lusztig’s Z[q, q]lattice for the level one irreducible representations of quantum affine algebras of ADE type. We then realize the level one irreducible modules at roots of unity and show that the q-dimension is still given by the Weyl-Kac character formula. As a consequence we also answer the corresponding question of realizing the affine Kac-Moody Lie algebras of simply laced type at level one in finite characteristic. 0. Introduction In [L3, L1] Lusztig proved that a quantum Kac–Moody algebra U defined over Q(q) admits an A = Z[q, q]–lattice UA and that any irreducible highest weight integrable representation V of U admits a corresponding A–lattice, say VA. This allows us to specialize q to a non–zero complex number ζ and we let Uζ , Wζ denote the corresponding objects. If ζ is not a root of unity, Lusztig proved that Wζ is irreducible and its character is the same as that of the corresponding classical representation. On the other hand, when ζ is a primitive l root of unity, the situation is more interesting, even for finite–dimensional Kac–Moody algebras. In that case, Wζ is not always irreducible: a sufficient condition for irreducibility [APW] is that the highest weight Λ of V should be “small” in the sense that (Λ, α) < l for all positive roots α. The corresponding question for infinite–dimensional Kac– Moody algebras at roots of unity is open, and in this paper we answer it in the case of level one representations of quantum affine algebras of ADE type. Note that the condition (Λ, α) < l never holds in this case; nevertheless, we find that Wζ is irreducible provided that l is coprime to the Coxeter number of the underlying finite–dimensional Lie algebra. The level one representations of an affine Lie algebra of ADE type can be explicitly constructed in the tensor product of a symmetric algebra and a twisted group algebra [FK, S]. Essentially, these representations are built from the canonical representation of an infinite–dimensional Heisenberg algebra. Later, in [FJ] this construction was extended to the case of the basic representations of the quantum affine algebras of ADE type. Again, the representations are built from the representation of a suitable quantum Heisenberg algebra. In this paper, we identify the natural lattice VA of the level one representation explicitly as the tenosr product of the lattice of Schur functions tensored with the obvious A–lattice in the twisted group algebra (see also [J2]). We also describe the action of the divided powers of the Chevalley (and Drinfeld) generators on an A–basis of VA and this allows us to N.J. is partially supported by NSF grant DMS-9970493. 1 2 VYJAYANTHI CHARI AND NAIHUAN JING realize the level one irreducible representations Wζ explicitly and prove that they are irreducible. Our methods also apply to the study of highest weight representations of affine Lie algebras in characteristic p, and the corresponding results are also new in that situation. In particular we give an explicit realization of the Z-form [Br] of the vertex representation of the affine Lie algebras. 1. The algebras U, UA. Throughout this paper g will denote a simply-laced, finite-dimensional complex simple Lie algebra and (aij)i,j∈I , I = {1, . . . , n}, will denote its Cartan matrix. Let (aij)i,j∈Î , Î = I ∪ {0}, be the extended Cartan matrix of g and let ĝ be the corresponding affine Lie algebra. Let R (resp. R) denote a set of roots (resp. positive roots) of g and let αi (i ∈ I) be a set of simple roots. Let Q be the root lattice of g, P the weight lattice and let ωi ∈ P (i ∈ I) be the fundamental weights of g. For ω ∈ P , η ∈ Q, define an integer |ω| · |η| by extending bilinearly the assignment |ωi| · |αj | = δij . Notice that |αi| · |αj | = aij . Let θ be the highest root of g. Let q be an indeterminate, let Q(q) be the field of rational functions in q with rational coefficients, and let A = Z[q, q] be the ring of Laurent polynomials with integer coefficients. For r,m ∈ N, m ≥ r, define [m] = q − q q − q−1 , [m]! = [m][m− 1] . . . [2][1], [ m r ] = [m]! [r]![m − r]! . Then [ m r ] ∈ A for all m ≥ r ≥ 0. Proposition 1.1. There is a Hopf algebra U over Q(q) which is generated as an algebra by elements Eαi , Fαi , K ±1 i (i ∈ Î), D ±1 with the following defining relations: KiK −1 i = K −1 i Ki = 1, KiKj = KjKi, KiD = DKi, DD −1 = DD = 1, DEαiD −1 = qEαi , DFαiD −1 = qFαi , KiEαjK −1 i = q Eαj , KiFαjK −1 i = q Fαj , [Eαi , Fαj ] = δij Ki −K −1 i q − q−1 ,