Development Satatus and Future of Foundry Industry In China
Guo Jingjie,Li Xinzhong,Su Shifang,Liu Xiuling,Zhang Zh
Abstract:The paper introduces the recent 5 year situation and future development of Chinese foundry industry. It includes 5 parts. Part 1 shows general information of Chinese foundry industry, for example, total output change, total enterprise and employee numbers etc, the total castings output of China in 2005 is 24,420,000 tons ,it makes up 28.5% of the global sum.; Part 2 demonstrates different kinds castings output of Chinese foundry industry; Part 3 presents geographic distribution character of Chinese foundry industry, Chinese foundry industry mainly concentrate on 5 regions,that is Liaoning province,Shandong province, the Yangtze River delta, the Pearl River delta and Shanxi province,about half castings output of China comes from the 5 regions ; Part 4 analyses existed problems of Chinese foundry industry ; Part 5 forecasts future development of Chinese foundry industry,in next 10 years,Chinese foundry industry will still grow rapidly.