LowVoltage LowPowerCurrent Mirror OTA For
Jian Xu,Menglian Zhao,Xiaobo Wu
Abstract:A low voltage low powerclass-ABadopt multistage structure. Thedrawback oftheapproach operational transconductance amplifier (OTA)usedin isitsbadstability, whichneedsmorecomplex frequency Sigma-Delta modulator ispresented inthispaper.To compensation andextrapowerdissipation. Besides, reducethepowerconsumption underlowvoltage, a negative conductance byapplying positive feedback will current mirrortopology withnearrail-to-rail output result inhigher output impedance andhigher DC voltage swingisproposed. ItsDC gainisenhanced bygain gain. Inthis condition, amplifier willbemoresensitive to enhancementarchitecture withoutextrapower process variation anddevice mismatching. consumption. Moreover, toachieve verylowerrors and Inthis paper, anovel lowvoltage lowpowercurrent smallersettletime,a novelswitched-capacitor mirror OTA forSigma-Delta modulator isproposed. Its common-mode feedback (SCCMFB)circuit isintroduced. architecture ismodified toenhance thevoltage gain Using0.35,umTSMCCMOS standard process, theOTA without extrapowerconsumption. Andanimproved SC isdesigned tooperate at1.5Vsupply voltage. Fora2.5pF CMFB circuit withhighaccuracy andverylowerrors is loadcapacitor theOTAachieves aDCgainof60.58dB, a introduced. Section IIdescribes theOTA architecture, GBW of6.30MHzandaslewrateof3.24V/us. Thestatic including thevoltage boosting technique, class AB output powerconsumption isabout22,uW exclusive ofthatof stage andSCCMFB circuit. Thecomplete OTAcircuit is CMFB circuit. Itshowsthattheproposed OTAtopologygiven insection III. Thesimulation results arepresented in couldbeapplied tolowvoltage lowpowerswitched-section IV. , , . ~~~~modulator. Itdetermines themainpowerconsumption of should beabletooperate underlowvoltage environmentthemodulator. Asmentioned in (3), anOTAtopology with since withthescaling downoftheCMOS technology, and rail-to-rail output swing isusually required in lowvoltage itisnecessary toreduce thesupply voltage toguarantee the reliability ofchips. Moreover, theportable electroniclo poe dein. Fo a2ceti dyaiotaerne reliability ofchis.Morovr,hc increasing output swingresults inlarge decreasing of products areusually battery-supplied systems. Toreduce capacitance and power consumption. Furthermore apparatus volume andsavethebattery lifetime, lowvoltage lowpowerdesign isofkeyimportance tosigma-delta ADC sngle-ste OtAis morepoweretwo-sge