Results of the first performance tests * of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter

P. Adzic,R. Alemany-Fernandez,C. B. Almeida,N. M. Almeida,G. Anagnostou,M. G. Anfreville,I. Anicin,Z. Antunovic,A. Asimidis,E. Auffray,S. Baccaro,D. Barney,L. M. Barone,P. Barrillon,A. Bartoloni,S. Beauceron,F. Beaudette,K. W. Bell,R. Benetta,M. J. Bercher,B. Betev,R. Beuselinck,A. Bhardwaj,C. Biino,S. Bimbot,P. Bloch,S. Blyth,M. Bonesini,P. Bordalo,A. Bornheim,J. M. Bourotte,D. Britton,R. M. Brown,R. Bruneliere,P. Busson,T. Camporesi,N. Cartiglia,F. Cavallari,D. Chamont,P. Chang,Y. H. Chang,C. Charlot,E. A. Chen,R. Chipaux,D. J. Cockerill,C. Collard,C. Combaret,S. Costantini,J. C. Da Silva,I. Dafinei,G. Daskalakis,G. Davatz,A. De Min,K. Deiters,M. Dejardin,R. Della Negra,P. Depasse,J. Descamp,G. Dewhirst,S. Dhawan,M. Diemoz,G. Dissertori,M. Dittmar,L. Djambazov,L. Dobrzynski,S. Drndarevic,M. Dupanloup,M. Dzelalija,J. Ehlers,H. El Mamouni,A. Elliott-Peisert,I. Evangelou,B. Fabbro,J. L. Faure,J. Fay,F. Ferri,P. S. Flower,G. Franzoni,W. Funk,A. Gaillac,C. Gargiulo,S. Gascon Shotkin,Y. Geerebaert,F. X. Gentit,A. Ghezzi,J. Gilly,A. S. Giolo-Nicollerat,A. Givernaud,S. Gninenko,A. Go,N. Godinovic,N. Golubev,R. Gomez-Reino,P. Govoni,J. Grahl,P. Gras,J. Greenhalgh,J. P. Guillaud,M. Haguenauer,G. Hamel De Montechenault,M. Hansen,H. F. Heath,J. A. Hill,P. R. Hobson,D. Holmes,A. G. Holzner,G. W. Hou,B. Ille,Q. Ingram,A. Jain,P. Janot,P. Jarry,M. A. Karar,S. K. Kataria,V. Katchanov,B. W. Kennedy,K. Kloukinas,B. Koblitz,P. Kokkas,M. Korjik,N. Krasnikov,D. Krpic,A. Kyriakis,M. Lebeau,P. Lecomte,P. Lecoq,M. C. Lemaire,M. Lethuillier,W. Lin,A. L. Lintern,A. Lister,E. Locci,A. B. Lodge,E. Longo,D. Loukas,W. Lustermann,C. Lynch,C. K. Mackay,D. Maletic,I. Mandjavidze,N. Manthos,A. Markou,H. Mathez,V. Matveev,G. Maurelli,E. Menichetti,P. Meridiani,P. Milenovic,G. Milleret,P. Mine,M. Montecchi,M. Mur,Y. Musienko,A. Nardulli,J. Nash,H. Neal,P. Nedelec,P. Negri,F. Nessi-Tedaldi,H. B. Newman,A. Nikitenko,M. M. Obertino,R. A. Ofierzynski,G. C. Organtini,P. Paganini,M. Paganoni,I. Papadopoulos,R. Paramatti,N. Pastrone,F. Pauss,P. Poilleux,I. Puljak,A. Pullia,J. Puzovic,S. Ragazzi,S. Ramos,J. Rander,O. Ravat,M. Raymond,P. A. Razis,N. Redaelli,N. Regnault,D. Renker,S. Reucroft,J. M. Reymond,M. Reynaud,S. Reynaud,T. Romanteau,F. Rondeaux,A. Rosowsky,C. Rovelli,R. Rusack,S. V. Rusakov,M. J. Ryan,H. Rykaczewski,T. Sakhelashvili,R. Salerno,M. Santos,D. Schinzel,C. Seez,I. Semeniouk,P. Sempere Roldan,O. Sharif,P. Sharp,C. Shepherd-Themistocleous,S. Shevchenko,R. K. Shivpuri,G. Sidiropoulos,D. Sillou,A. Singovski,Y Sirois,A. M. Sirunyan,B. Smith,V. J. Smith,M. Sproston,H. Suter,J. Swain,T. Tabarelli De Fatis,M. Takahashi,R. J. Tapper,A. Tcheremoukhine,I. Teixeira,J. P. Teixeira,O. Teller,F. A. Triantis,S. Troshin,N. Tyurin,S. Udriot,K. Ueno,A. Uzunian,I. Van Vulpen,J. Varela,N. Vaz Cardoso,P. Verrecchia,P. Vichoudis,G. Viertel,T. Virdee,M. Wang,J. H. Williams,I. Yaselli,N. Zamiatin,S. Zelepoukine,M. Zeller,L. Y. Zhang,K. Zhu,R. Y. Zhu
Abstract:. Performance tests of some aspects of the CMS ECAL were carried out on modules of the "barrel" sub-system in 2002 and 2003. A brief test with high energy electron beams was made in late 2003 to validate prototypes of the new Very Front End electronics. The final versions of the monitoring and cooling systems, and of the high and low voltage regulation were used in these tests. The results are consistent with the performance targets including those for noise and overall energy resolution, required to fulfil the physics programme of CMS at the LHC.
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