Brightness and Uniformity Measurements of Plastic Scintillator Tiles at the CERN H2 Test Beam

S. Chatrchyan,A. M. Sirunyan,A. Tumasyan,A. Litomin,V. Mossolov,N. Shumeiko,M. Van de Klundert,H. Van Haevermaet,P. Van Mechelen,A. Van Spilbeeck,G. A. Alves,W. L. Alda Junior,C. Hensel,W. Carvalho,J. Chinellato,C. De Oliveira Martins,D. Matos Figueiredo,C. Mora Herrera,H. Nogima,W. L. Prado Da Silva,E. J. Tonelli Manganote,A. Vilela Pereira,M. Finger,A. Kveton,J. Tomsa,G. Adamov,Z. Tsamalaidze,U. Behrens,K. Borras,A. Campbell,F. Costanza,P. Gunnellini,A. Lobanov,I. -A. Melzer-Pellmann,C. Muhl,B. Roland,M. Sahin,P. Saxena,V. Hegde,K. Kothekar,S. Pandey,S. Sharma,S. B. Beri,B. Bhawandeep,R. Chawla,A. Kalsi,A. Kaur,M. Kaur,G. Walia,S. Bhattacharya,S. Ghosh,S. Nandan,A. Purohit,M. Sharan,S. Banerjee,S. Chatterjee,P. Das,M. Guchait,S. Jain,S. Kumar,M. Maity,G. Majumder,K. Mazumdar,M. Patil,T. Sarkar,A. Juodagalvis,S. Afanasiev,P. Bunin,Y. Ershov,I. Golutvin,A. Malakhov,P. Moisenz,V. Smirnov,A. Zarubin,M. Chadeeva,R. Chistov,M. Danilov,E. Popova,V. Rusinov,Yu. Andreev,A. Dermenev,A. Karneyeu,N. Krasnikov,D. Tlisov,A. Toropin,V. Epshteyn,V. Gavrilov,N. Lychkovskaya,V. Popov,I. Pozdnyakov,G. Safronov,M. Toms,A. Zhokin,A. Baskakov,A. Belyaev,E. Boos,M. Dubinin,L. Dudko,A. Ershov,A. Gribushin,A. Kaminskiy,V. Klyukhin,O. Kodolova,I. Lokhtin,I. Miagkov,S. Obraztsov,S. Petrushanko,V. Savrin,A. Snigirev,V. Andreev,M. Azarkin,I. Dremin,M. Kirakosyan,A. Leonidov,A. Terkulov,S. Bitioukov,D. Elumakhov,A. Kalinin,V. Krychkine,P. Mandrik,V. Petrov,R. Ryutin,A. Sobol,S. Troshin,A. Volkov,S. Sekmen,T. Medvedeva,P. Rumerio,A. Adiguzel,N. Bakirci,F. Boran,S. Cerci,S. Damarseckin,Z. S. Demiroglu,F. Dolek,C. Dozen,I. Dumanoglu,E. Eskut,S. Girgis,G. Gokbulut,Y. Guler,I. Hos,E. E. Kangal,O. Kara,A. Kayis Topaksu,C. Isik,U. Kiminsu,M. Oglakci,G. Onengut,K. Ozdemir,S. Ozturk,A. Polatoz,D. Sunar Cerci,B. Tali,U. G. Tok,H. Topakli,S. Turkcapar,I. S. Zorbakir,C. Zorbilmez,B. Bilin,B. Isildak,G. Karapinar,A. Murat Guler,K. Ocalan,M. Yalvac,M. Zeyrek,I. O. Atakisi,E. Gulmez,M. Kaya,O. Kaya,O. K. Koseyan,O. Ozcelik,S. Ozkorucuklu,S. Tekten,E. A. Yetkin,T. Yetkin,K. Cankocak,S. Sen,A. Boyarintsev,B. Grynyov,L. Levchuk,P. Sorokin,H. Flacher,A. Borzou,K. Call,J. Dittmann,K. Hatakeyama,H. Liu,N. Pastika,A. Buccilli,S. I. Cooper,C. Henderson,C. West,D. Arcaro,D. Gastler,E. Hazen,J. Rohlf,L. Sulak,S. Wu,D. Zou,J. Hakala,U. Heintz,K. H. M. Kwok,E. Laird,G. Landsberg,Z. Mao,D. R. Yu,J. W. Gary,S. M. Ghiasi Shirazi,F. Lacroix,O. R. Long,H. Wei,R. Bhandari,R. Heller,D. Stuart,J. H. Yoo,Y. Chen,J. Duarte,J. M. Lawhorn,T. Nguyen,M. Spiropulu,D. Winn,S. Abdullin,A. Apresyan,A. Apyan,F. Chlebana,J. Freeman,D. Green,D. Hare,J. Hirschauer,U. Joshi,D. Lincoln,S. Los,K. Pedro,W. J. Spalding,N. Strobbe,S. Tkaczyk,A. Whitbeck,S. Linn,P. Markowitz,G. Martinez,M. Bertoldi,S. Hagopian,V. Hagopian,T. Kolberg,M. M. Baarmand,D. Noonan,T. Roy,F. Yumiceva,B. Bilki,W. Clarida,P. Debbins,K. Dilsiz,S. Durgut,R. P. Gandrajula,M. Haytmyradov,V. Khristenko,J. -P. Merlo,H. Mermerkaya,A. Mestvirishvili,M. Miller,A. Moeller,J. Nachtman,H. Ogul,Y. Onel,F. Ozok,A. Penzo,I. Schmidt,C. Snyder,D. Southwick,E. Tiras,K. Yi,A. Al-Bataineh,J. Bowen,J. Castle,W. McBrayer,M. Murray,Q. Wang,K. Kaadze,Y. Maravin,A. Mohammadi,L. K. Saini,A. Baden,A. Belloni,J. D. Calderon,S. C. Eno,Y. B. Feng,C. Ferraioli,T. Grassi,N. J. Hadley,G-Y Jeng,R. G. Kellogg,J. Kunkle,A. Mignerey,F. Ricci-Tam,Y. H. Shin,A. Skuja,Z. S. Yang,Y. Yao,S. Brandt,M. D'Alfonso,M. Hu,M. Klute,X. Niu,R. M. Chatterjee,A. Evans,E. Frahm,Y. Kubota,Z. Lesko,J. Mans,N. Ruckstuhl,A. Heering,D. J. Karmgard,Y. Musienko,R. Ruchti,M. Wayne,A. D. Benaglia,K. Mei,C. Tully,A. Bodek,P. de Barbaro,M. Galanti,A. Garcia-Bellido,A. Khukhunaishvili,K. H. Lo,D. Vishnevskiy,M. Zielinski,A. Agapitos,M. Amouzegar,J. P. Chou,E. Hughes,H. Saka,D. Sheffield,N. Akchurin,J. Damgov,F. De Guio,P. R. Dudero,J. Faulkner,E. Gurpinar,S. Kunori,K. Lamichhane,S. W. Lee,T. Libeiro,T. Mengke,S. Muthumuni,S. Undleeb,I. Volobouev,Z. Wang,S. Goadhouse,R. Hirosky,Y. Wang
Journal of Instrumentation
Abstract:We study the light output, light collection efficiency and signal timing of a variety of organic scintillators that are being considered for the upgrade of the hadronic calorimeter of the CMS detector. The experimental data are collected at the H2 test-beam area at CERN, using a 150 GeV muon beam. In particular, we investigate the usage of over-doped and green-emitting plastic scintillator, two solutions that have not been extensively considered. We present a study of the energy distribution in plastic-scintillator tiles, the hit efficiency as a function of the hit position, and a study of the signal timing for blue and green scintillators.
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