Evolutionary Game Analysis On The Relationship Between Enterprise Employees' Trust And Knowledge Sharing Behavior
Rui Zhang,Wankun Zhou,Jamal El-Den,Qianzhu Chen,Hao Chen,Jie Zhao,Irfan Ulhaq
Abstract:Without any doubt knowledge and knowledge sharing are becoming integral as strategic resources for decision making and competitiveness for enterprises in today' knowledge economy. In order to make the most out of the knowledge they possess, organizations need to develop policies and procedures which increase the knowledge sharing among their employees. The paper introduces an evolutionary game model of knowledge sharing behavior based on trust. This paper argues that the question should not be whether or not employees share what they know (contribution/collection), but how involved in the development of the strategies between knowledge contribution behavior and collecting behavior. The paper introduces an evolutionary game model for enterprise employees' knowledge sharing behavior based on the analysis method of evolutionary game. The paper introduces six research variables: the quantity of knowledge, the coefficient of sharing capacity, the coefficient of knowledge sharing reward, the coefficient of knowledge sharing penalty, the coefficient of knowledge sharing risk and the coefficient of knowledge sharing cost. The paper also discusses the effect these variables on knowledge contribution behavior and knowledge collecting behavior. The result shows that among these variables, knowledge contribution coefficient, the coefficient of sharing rewards and the coefficient of sharing penalty are positively related with knowledge sharing behavior, while the risk of sharing coefficient and cost coefficient are negatively related to knowledge sharing behavior. Finally, taking the reality and problems of enterprise knowledge sharing into account, some pertinent suggestions were put forward.