The Structure of Financial Expenditure, Relative Poverty and Economic Growth
Li Yongyou,Shen Kunrong
Abstract:With the change of the structure of China's poverty, the problem of relative poverty is becoming more and more prominent. Based on the data for the end of 1980s to the present time regarding China, we have made a case study on China's relative poverty. The result indicates that (1)in terms of time, the degree of China's rela- tive poverty tends to gradually become greater, but the speed of rise in relative poverty in the city is different from that in the village; in terms of space, the relative poverty in cities and that in villages have the same charac- teristics in movement; whether in villages or in cities, relative poverty is related to the speed of economic growth, it has nothing to with the economic level;(2)the generation and the increased seriousness of China's relative poverty have originated mainly from the great variation in different trades and industries in factor prices of the labor force in the link of the initial income distribution; and very limited was the role played by the national fi- nance in reducing and slowing down the speed of relative poverty caused by the link of the initial income distri- bution; the expenditure for medical care, in particular, has further, to some extent, deteriorated the relative poverty; (3)the relative poverty has a negative effect on economic growth; compared with the elements of factor inputs, systems and technology, the relative poverty plays a minor role in economic growth, but its effect of curb—which comes mainly from the negative effect produced by the degree of poverty— on economic growth is very obvious. The conclusion of our study shows that, in order to control the relative poverty level, we should mainly adjust the gap in income distribution formed in the primitive distribution, while the effect of financial ex- penditure on the slowdown of the relative poverty should be heightened, and that both the adoption of the policy of expenditure allocation favoring the low- income group for the purpose of diminishing the extent of the relative poverty and the maintaining of proper economic growth are of importance to the effective alleviation of the social relative poverty.