,吳政緯 吳政緯
DOI: https://doi.org/10.53106/160759942023120041003
Abstract:眾所皆知,今日的韓國、日本、越南各地收藏數量驚人的漢籍(中國刊本)。追溯此些國家搜求漢籍的歷程與緣由,不少學者歸諸「慕華」,即搜求漢籍出於外國人仰慕中國/中華文化的心理。慕華確實立足一定的史料基礎,也存在抱持此種想法而收買漢籍的例子。但是東亞各國對待中國的態度,絕非始終如一,而係複雜漫長的變化過程。本文旨在以朝鮮為中心,探究明清時期的朝鮮人何以代代相承,持續搜求漢籍。這股需要漢籍的力量來源可概分為三,一、長時段的因素,如知識養成、人才培育、制度設計、出版環境等;二、偶發性的事件,尤其是戰爭;三、古代東亞各國必須面對的實際需要,即與中國進行外交往來,需要一定的漢學素養。本文結合前述三方面的考察,試圖在慕華之外開闢新的視角,理解朝鮮人搜求漢籍的背景與緣由。 As is well known, Korea, Japan, and Vietnam possess astonishingly voluminous collections of Chinese books that were printed in China. When tracing the processes and reasons why these countries sought out Chinese publications, many scholars have attributed this phenomenon to the mentality of muhua, that is, the admiration of China or Chinese culture by foreigners. Muhua was arguably one established aspect of the historical data, and there are examples of individuals who adhered to this idea in their collecting of Chinese books. However, among East Asian countries the attitudes toward China were neither static nor unified and underwent a complex and lengthy series of changes. In focusing on Chosŏn, this article aims to explore why generation after generation of Koreans living through the Ming and Qing dynasties continued to seek Chinese books. What drove the desire for Chinese books can be broadly categorized into three aspects: firstly, there were long-term factors such as the need to nurture knowledge, cultivate talent, design institutions, and improve the publishing environment; secondly there were unexpected events, especially wars; and thirdly, there were the practical needs each and every premodern East Asian country must face, specifically diplomatic exchanges with China, which required a certain level of sinological proficiency. In fleshing out these three aspects, this study will offer new perspectives beyond that of cultural admiration, to foster a better understanding of the background and reasons behind the pursuit of Chinese books in Chosŏn Korea.