Partner Selection and Evaluation in Agile Virtual Enterprise Based Upon TFN-AHP Model
CAO Jian,YANG Chun-jie,LI Ping
Abstract:To enhance the validity of the analytic hierarchy process(AHP) in partner selection problems during the formation of the agile virtual enterprise(AVE),a new trigonometric fuzzy number-AHP(TFN-AHP) model was given.The criteria weights were calculated using the logarithmic least square method in the model,the data element of judgment matrix was replaced by the TFN,and the inconsistent information produced in the group decision-making process was synthesized and eliminated by combining the properties of TFN algorithms.Theoretical analysis and case results show that the proposed model makes experts' judgment method more accordant with human thought mode,handles disagreements between different rankings more effectively,and enables experts to obtain the consensus decision according to every criterion.The model structure is simple and normative,and the evaluation conclusions are fair and reasonable.The model makes experts get valid information from each decision element at every hierarchy for the reference in decision-making,and improves the efficiency of solving practical evaluation problems.