Properties Of Six-Jet Events With Large Six-Jet Mass At The Fermilab Proton-Antiproton Collider

F Abe,H Akimoto,A Akopian,Mg Albrow,Sr Amendolia,D Amidei,J Antos,S Aota,G Apollinari,T Asakawa,W Ashmanskas,M Atac,F Azfar,P Azzibacchetta,N Bacchetta,W Badgett,S Bagdasarov,Mw Bailey,J Bao,P Debarbaro,A Barbarogaltieri,Ve Barnes,Ba Barnett,M Barone,E Barzi,G Bauer,T Baumann,F Bedeschi,S Behrends,S Belforte,G Bellettini,J Bellinger,D Benjamin,J Benlloch,J Bensinger,D Benton,A Beretvas,Jp Berge,J Berryhill,S Bertolucci,B Bevensee,A Bhatti,K Biery,M Binkley,D Bisello,Re Blair,C Blocker,A Bodek,W Bokhari,V Bolognesi,G Bolla,D Bortoletto,J Boudreau,L Breccia,C Bromberg,N Bruner,E Buckleygeer,Hs Budd,K Burkett,G Busetto,A Byonwagner,Kl Byrum,J Cammerata,C Campagnari,M Campbell,A Caner,W Carithers,D Carlsmith,A Castro,D Cauz,Y Cen,F Cervelli,Ps Chang,Pt Chang,Hy Chao,J Chapman,Mt Cheng,G Chiarelli,T Chikamatsu,Cn Chiou,L Christofek,S Cihangir,Ag Clark,M Cobal,E Cocca,M Contreras,J Conway,J Cooper,M Cordelli,C Couyoumtzelis,D Crane,D Croninhennessy,R Culbertson,T Daniels,F Dejongh,S Delchamps,S Dellagnello,M Dellorso,R Demina,L Demortier,M Deninno,Pf Derwent,T Devlin,Jr Dittmann,S Donati,J Done,T Dorigo,A Dunn,N Eddy,K Einsweiler,Je Elias,R Ely,E Engels,D Errede,S Errede,Q Fan,G Feild,C Ferretti,I Fiori,B Flaugher,Gw Foster,M Franklin,M Frautschi,J Freeman,J Friedman,H Frisch,Y Fukui,S Funaki,S Galeotti,M Gallinaro,O Ganel,M Garciasciveres,Af Garfinkel,C Gay,S Geer,Dw Gerdes,P Giannetti,N Giokaris,P Giromini,G Giusti,L Gladney,D Glenzinski,M Gold,J Gonzalez,A Gordon,At Goshaw,Y Gotra,K Goulianos,H Grassmann,L Groer,C Grossopilcher,G Guillian,Rs Guo,C Haber,E Hafen,Sr Hahn,R Hamilton,R Handler,Rm Hans,F Happacher,K Hara,Ad Hardman,B Harral,Rm Harris,Sa Hauger,J Hauser,C Hawk,E Hayashi,J Heinrich,B Hinrichsen,Kd Hoffman,M Hohlmann,C Holck,R Hollebeek,L Holloway,S Hong,G Houk,P Hu,Bt Huffman,R Hughes,J Huston,J Huth,J Hylen,H Ikeda,M Incagli,J Incandela,G Introzzi,J Iwai,Y Iwata,H Jensen,U Joshi,Rw Kadel,E Kajfasz,H Kambara,T Kamon,T Kaneko,K Karr,H Kasha,Y Kato,Ta Keaffaber,K Kelley,Rd Kennedy,R Kephart,P Kesten,D Kestenbaum,H Keutelian,F Keyvan,B Kharadia,Bj Kim,Dh Kim,Hs Kim,Sb Kim,Sh Kim,Yk Kim,L Kirsch,P Koehn,K Kondo,J Konigsberg,S Kopp,K Kordas,A Korytov,W Koska,E Kovacs,W Kowald,M Krasberg,J Kroll,M Kruse,T Kuwabara,Se Kuhlmann,E Kuns,At Laasanen,S Lami,S Lammel,Ji Lamoureux,M Lancaster,T Lecompte,S Leone,Jd Lewis,P Limon,M Lindgren,Tm Liss,Jb Liu,Yc Liu,N Lockyer,O Long,C Loomis,M Loreti,J Lu,D Lucchesi,P Lukens,S Lusin,J Lys,K Maeshima,A Maghakian,P Maksimovic,M Mangano,J Mansour,M Mariotti,Jp Marriner,A Martin,Jaj Matthews,R Mattingly,P Mcintyre,P Melese,A Menzione,E Meschi,S Metzler,C Miao,T Miao,G Michail,R Miller,H Minato,S Miscetti,M Mishina,H Mitsushio,T Miyamoto,S Miyashita,N Moggi,Y Morita,A Mukherjee,T Muller,P Murat,H Nakada,I Nakano,C Nelson,D Neuberger,C Newmanholmes,Cyp Ngan,M Ninomiya,L Nodulman,Sh Oh,Ke Ohl,T Ohmoto,T Ohsugi,R Oishi,M Okabe,T Okusawa,R Oliveira,J Olsen,C Pagliarone,R Paoletti,V Papadimitriou,Sp Pappas,N Parashar,S Park,A Parri,J Patrick,G Pauletta,M Paulini,A Perazzo,L Pescara,Md Peters,Tj Phillips,G Piacentino,M Pillai,Kt Pitts,R Plunkett,L Pondrom,J Proudfoot,F Ptohos,G Punzi,K Ragan,D Reher,A Ribon,F Rimondi,L Ristori,Wj Robertson,T Rodrigo,S Rolli,J Romano,L Rosenson,R Roser,T Saab,Wk Sakumoto,D Saltzberg,A Sansoni,L Santi,H Sato,P Schlabach,Ee Schmidt,Mp Schmidt,A Scribano,S Segler,S Seidel,Y Seiya,G Sganos,Md Shapiro,Nm Shaw,Q Shen,Pf Shepard,M Shimojima,M Shochet,J Siegrist,A Sill,P Sinervo,P Singh,J Skarha,K Sliwa,Fd Snider,T Song,J Spalding,T Speer,P Sphicas,F Spinella,M Spiropulu,L Spiegel,L Stanco,J Steele,A Stefanini,K Strahl,J Strait,R Strohmer,D Stuart,G Sullivan,K Sumorok,J Suzuki,T Takada,T Takahashi,T Takano,K Takikawa,N Tamura,B Tannenbaum,F Tartarelli,W Taylor,Pk Teng,Y Teramoto,S Tether,D Theriot,Tl Thomas,R Thun,R Thurmankeup,M Timko,P Tipton,A Titov,S Tkaczyk,D Toback,K Tollefson,A Tollestrup,H Toyoda,W Trischuk,Jf Detroconiz,S Truitt,J Tseng,N Turini,T Uchida,N Uemura,F Ukegawa,G Unal,J Valls,Sc Vandenbrink,S Vejcik,G Velev,R Vidal,R Vilar,M Vondracek,D Vucinic,Rg Wagner,Rl Wagner,J Wahl,Nb Wallace,Am Walsh,C Wang,Ch Wang,J Wang,Mj Wang,Qf Wang,A Warburton,T Watts,R Webb,C Wei,H Wenzel,Wc Wester,Ab Wicklund,E Wicklund,R Wilkinson,Hh Williams,P Wilson,Bl Winer,D Winn,D Wolinski,J Wolinski,S Worm,X Wu,J Wyss,A Yagil,W Yao,K Yasuoka,Y Ye,Gp Yeh,P Yeh,M Yin,J Yoh,C Yosef,T Yoshida,D Yovanovitch,I Yu,L Yu,Jc Yun,A Zanetti,F Zetti,L Zhang,W Zhang,S Zucchelli
IF: 5.407
Physical Review D
Abstract:We describe the properties of six-jet events, with the six-jet mass exceeding 520 GeV/c(2), produced at the Fermilab proton-antiproton collider operating at a center-of-mass energy of 1.8 TeV. Observed distributions for a set of 20 multijet variables are compared with predictions from the HERWIG QCD parton shower Monte Carlo program, the NJETS leading order QCD matrix element Monte Carlo program, and a phase-space model in which six-jet events are distributed uniformly over the kinematically allowed region of the six-body phase space. In general the QCD predictions provide a good description of the observed six-jet distributions.
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