Properties Of Photon Plus Two-Jet Events In (P)Over-Bar-P Collisions At Root S=1.8 Tev

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Yasuoka,Y. Ye,G. P. Yeh,P. Yeh,M. Yin,J. Yoh,C. Yosef,T. Yoshida,D. Yovanovitch,I. Yu,L. Yu,J. C. Yun,A. Zanetti,F. Zetti,L. Zhang,W. Zhang,S. Zucchelli
IF: 5.407
Physical Review D
Abstract:We present the first general measurements (invariant-mass, transverse-energy, and angular distributions) of the process, (p) over bar p-->gamma+2 jets + X, using data collected by the CDF at Fermilab. We compare the data with predictions from a tree-level QCD calculation and the PYTHIA shower Monte Carlo program. Our data sample is particularly sensitive to contributions from initial-and final-state radiation of photons and jets. Using the PYTHIA Monte Carlo program, we contrast the kinematical distributions for direct photon production with those for initial-and final-state photon radiation (bremsstrahlung). Based on the angular distributions, we find that our data favor a mixture of bremsstrahlung and direct photon production, as predicted, over either process alone. [S0556-2821(97)01623-8].
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