Design of Measurement and Control System in Marine Electric Propulsion
Bei Chen,Wenlun Cao,Yuyao He,Zhenhong Jiao,Hong Li,Chongwu Wang
Abstract:A Control and Measurement system has been implemented based on a driver system which consisted by double generators and double motors. Our experiment based on 1 Generator and 1 Motor. The experimental data show that the system can continuously and steadily running in 300KW power output. This software was been implemented by NI Labview based on the CAN bus. Meanwhile the dynamical monitoring and alarm are implemented. The data collected for the HMI are include the collecting data of bus voltage and current; the speed; the temperature on IGBT, bearing and winding. The generator and the motor controller running status and the fault status are also been sent to the HMI. The command sent to the double generators and the double motors are include start/stop, speed, bus voltage, PID parameters to DSP (speed circle Kp and Ki, Kp and Ki in D axis for current circle), etc. The main works focus on the design of CAN communication protocol; multichannel CAN bus control implemented in Labview; bit data and different byte data combination and unpack. In practical engineering application, this system can absolutely realize automatic supervision and control process efficiently and reliably.