Cephalochromin, dihydroisoustilaginoidin A, and iso-ustilaginoidin A from Verticillium sp. K-113.
M. Matsumoto,H. Minato,E. Kondo,T. Mitsugi,K. Katagiri
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7164/ANTIBIOTICS.28.602
Abstract:A species of Verticillium (strain K-113), an imperfect fungus, produced cephalochrominl> (Ia), iso-ustilaginoidin A2) (IIa), and a new antibiotic, dihydroiso-ustilaginoidin A (IIIa). The culture filtrate was adjusted to pH 3.0 with 2 N hydrochloric acid and extracted with ether. The mycelium was extracted with acetone and the acetone extract was further extracted with ether. The combined ether extracts were chromatographed on silicic acid and silica gel impregnated with 0.5 N oxalic acid to give compounds (la), (IIa), and (IIIa). Compound (Ia), C29 H22 O10 was obtained as red prisms, m.p. >300'C, [a]23D+727' and gave a hexa-methylether (Ib), yellow prisms, m.p. 227-229'C, [a]23D+310.5' and a hexaacetate, yellow prisms, m.p. 178-180'C by treatment with dimethyl sulphate and with acetic anhydride in pyridine, respectively. From these data and i.r., u.v., and n.m.r. spectra, it was assumed to be cephalochromin1) . Compound (IIa), C23 H18 O10, red prisms, m.p. >300'C gave a hexa-methylether (IIb), m.p. 250--253°C, which was shown to be identical with an authentic sample* of ustilaginoidin A hexa-methylether 2,3) by i.r. and u.v. spectra and Rf values on t.1.c. However, its [a]D value, -69°, was antipodal against that of ustilaginoidin A hexa-methylether, [a]D+89.5°. SHIBATA2) converted ustilaginoidin A into its antipode, which was named isoustilaginoidin A, by heating under reflux in formic acid. Therefore, compound (IIa) was confirmed to be iso-ustilaginoidin A. Compound (IIIa), C29H2O010, red prisms, m.p. >300'C also gave a hexa-methylether (IIIb), yellow needless, m.p. 188-190°C. It is assumed by studies of u.v. and i.r. spectra of the methylether (IIIb) that compound (IIIa) is dihydroiso-ustilaginoidin A. In order to confirm these assumption, compound (Ib) was dehydrogenated. When compound (Ib) was heated under reflux with selenium dioxide in t-buthanol containing one drop of pyridine, it gave two products, yellow