A Family of Non-quasiprimitiv eGraphs Admittin g aQuasiprimitive 2-arc
Abstract:A permutation group on aset Ä issaid to bequasiprimitive if each of itsnon-trivial normal subgroups is transitive onÄ. A quasiprimit ive group G is said to be of type AS if S≤ G ≤ Aut(S), for some non-abelian simple group. Let 0 be afinite simple undirected graph with vertex set V0 and edge set E0 and let G be a group of automorphisms of 0. The graph 0 is said to be G-quasiprimitive if and only if G is quasiprimit ive on V0. In particular, an Aut0-quasiprimit ivegraph issaid to bequasiprimitive. A 2-arc of 0 is atriple (α0, α1, α2) of vertices such that {α0, α1}, {α1, α2} ∈ E0 and α0 6= α2. If G is transitive on the 2-arcs of 0 then 0 is said to be (G,2)-arc transitive. In [25] it isshownthat every non-bipartit e2-arc transitivegraph is acover of aquasiprimit ive graph.Thus, toclassify 2-arctransitivegraphs, afundamenta l problemisclassifyingquasiprimitive2-arc transitivegraphs. For aG-quasiprimit ivegraph0, Praeger [26] raised thequestion: Under what conditionscanwebecertai n that Aut0 isquasiprimit iveon V0?Baddel ey [3, Section 6] constructed aconnected (G,2)-arc transitivegraph0, for somequasiprimit ivegroup G of twistedwreathtype,andprovedthat itsfull automorphis mgroupisisomorphi c toC×G with C somesmal non-trivial cyclicgroup, whichgivesthefirst examplewhereG isquasiprimit ive but Aut0 isnon-quasiprimitve.Hecomment stherethat suchgraphsseemdifficult toconstruct. In [20], Li found an infinite family of (PSL(2,q),2)-arc transitive graphs with valency 4 and proved their full automorphis m groups to be isomorphi c to Z2 × PSL(2,q). This gives the first infinite family of non-quasiprimitve graphs0 such that PSL(2,q) acts quasiprimit ively on V0. However, the approach in [20] is hard to generalize to larger valency cases , because valency 4 implies that thepoint stabilizer of theautomorphis m group is a {2,3}-group. Now we consider connected (S,2)-arc transitive graphs for non-abelian simple groups S. Set C := CAut0(S) and let 0∗ be the quotient graph of 0 modulo C-orbits on V0 (obtained by taking C-orbitsasverticesand joining two C-orbitsby an edge if there isat least oneedge in 0 joining a point in the first C-orbit to a point in the second one). By [24], 0 is acover of 0∗. For α ∈ V0, let 0(α) denot e the set of all vertices adjacent to α. Clearly, the point stabilizer Sα induces apermutation group on 0(α), which is denoted by S 0(α) α . Since S is transitiveon the2-arcsof 0, thestabilizer Sα is2-transit iveon0(α) and so S 0(α) α isprimitive. In [8, 10], Praeger and coworkers developed a general and systemati c method to determine theautomorphis m group of certai n typesof symmetri c graphs. Let G = Aut0 ∩ Aut(S), then by [8, Theorems 1.1 and 1.2], weconclude immediatel y the following.