Neuropsychological Feasibility Study among HIV+/AIDS Subjects in China
Shi Chuan,YU Xin,WU Zun-You,Robert K.Heaton,JIN Hua,Thomas D.Marcotte,Joseph Sadek,IGOR GRANT
Abstract:Objective:To explore the profile of neuropsychological function and mood status of Chinese HIV/AIDS subjects.Methods:We recruited 28 HIV+and 23 HIV-subjects who were matched in gender,age and education.Our current neuropsychological test battery consisted ol 8 individual test measures,each assigned to 1 of 7 ability areas thought to be especially vulnerable to effects of HIV on the brain(i.e.,verbal fluency, abstraction/executive function,speed of information processing,attention/working memory,learning,delayed recall, and motor).The Beck Depression Inventory(BDI)also was employed.Results:HIV+subjects were significantly worse than HIV-subjects on raw scores for 5 of the 18 individual cognitive test measures(Category fluency,Sound fluency,Trails A,Color Trails-Ⅱ,and HVLT Total Leaming)(P005).Demographically corrected T-scores based upon U.S.norms also showed a significant group difference on summary measures covering the total test battery (P0.05)as well as the Verbal(P0.05),Abstraction/Executive Function (P.05)and Learning(P.05)domains.It is interesting to note that the mean T-scores of the Chinese HIV- groups are close to the U.S.normative mean of 50 (i.e., Global of 48,and domains ranging from 46-51).Our Chinese HIV+group demonstrated considerably more depressed mood than their H1V- controls(P0.001).However,similar to what has been reported for US samples of HIV/AIDS,BDI total score was not strongly related to global neuropsychological functioning(r=0.22,N.S.). Conclusions:First,the neuropsychological test battery that was chosen and adapted for use in this study appears to have reasonable cross-cultural equivalence.Second,Chinese HIV+subjects performed significantly worse than HIV- controls in the total test battery,as well as in Verbal,Abstraction/Executive Function and Learning domains.And finally,the emotional response is very serious in Chinese HIV+subjects,but depression does not significantly influence neurocognitive impairment associated with HIV infection.