A Variant of STGA and Its Bisimulation Checking
ZhouJun LI,HuoWang CHEN,GuangJun ZHONG,BingShan WANG
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0254-4164.2000.04.002
Jisuanji Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Computers
Abstract:In order to check bisimulation for value-passing processes with infinite data domain, the symbolic transition graph (STG) and the symbolic transition graph with assignment (STGA) are introduced by Hennessy and Lin as semantic models of value-passing processes, and strong bisimulation algorithm based on such graphs are also proposed. To generalize the approach to dealing with weak bisimulation and observation congruence, this paper fist introduces a variant of STGA. The distinction of proposed model is that the assignment of a transition is performed after rather than before the action and thus the symbolic double transitions over nodes can be defined. The rules which generate such graphs from regular value-passing processes are presented. Based on the late strong bisimulation algorithm of Lin, an early strong bisimulation algorithm is given. By using symbolic double transition, the variant STGA can be generalized to the early symbolic observation graph with assignment (ESOGA) and the early symbolic congruence graph with assignment (ESCGA) to check early weak bisimulation and early observations congruence, respectively. However, since the occurrence of assignment over transitions, the generalized ESOGA and ESCGA may be infinite, thus the application scope of the weak bisimulation algorithm is limited. Finally this paper considers an applicable case - the symbolic transition graph, then the generalized symbolic observation graph (SOG) and symbolic congruence graph (SCG) can be finite, so authors' algorithm is feasible for weak bisimulation and observation congruence. Moreover, two theorems ensuring the elimination of ζ-cycle and ζ-edge are proved, and therefore STGs can be simplified significantly once the weak bisimulation or observation congruence is to be checked.