The Primary Study of Resources of the Rare and Endangered Wild Ornamental Plants Evaluation System in Harney Wetland
Han Wei,Gao Peng,Chen Yuru
Abstract:Harney wetland in Jinlin Province belongs to the temperate climate,and is extremely rich in the wild decorative plant resources.After analysis the pharmaceutical materials collected from the open for one year and based on other references,we built up an evaluation system containing coefficient,protection emergency degree and so on nine targets.The results showed that in Harney wetland,the endangered decorative plant types altogether have 37 families,51 genera,65 species.Taxus cuspidata,Iris ensata,Fritillaria ussuriensis,Iris laevigata,Kalopanax septemlobum,Habenaria sagittifera,Sorbus pohuashanensis,Gentiana scabra,Dryas octopetala var.asiatica etc.15 families,18 genera,21 species are in urgent need of protection,and the percentage to families,genera,and species are 40.54%,35.29%,32.31% respectively.Aristoloehia manshuriensis,Acanthopanax sessiliflorus,Pinus koraiensis,Tussilago farfara,Platycodon grandiflorum,Aristolochia contorta,Potentilla fruticosa,Menyanthes trifoliate,Trollius japonicus etc.17 families,18 genera,20 species belong to urgently protected specials and the percentage to families,genera,and species are 45.95%,35.29%,30.77% repectively.Fraxinus mandshurica,Acanthopanax senticosus Actinidia arguta,Tilia amurensis Oreorchis patens,Codonopsis pilosula,Cyprpedium guttatum,Schisandra chinensis,Paeonia obovata etc.17 families,21 genera,24 species belong to normally protected specials and the percentage to families,genera,and species are 45.95%,41.18%,36.92% respectively.