Spatio-temporal Evolution of Regional Economic Pattern in Anhui Province
Xia Yongjiu,Zhu Xigang,Chu Jinlong
Abstract:This paper took per capita GDP indications at county level to analyze spatial-temporal evolution of regional economic pattern in Anhui Province during 1997—2009,by statistical analysis and ESDA,which could be realized by ArcGIS 9.2 and GeoDA 9.5.It comes to the conclusions from three sides of time series,spatial series and spatial autocorrelation,as follows: The absolute economic disparities at county level had enlarged continually,while the relative disparities showed volatility expansion,overall relevance of economic development was weak,all of these indicated that the spatial interaction of regional development is unapparent.By 2005,radiation effects had been apparent,it revealed the spatial correlation had been enhanced.In the evolution of spatial pattern,the spatial pattern of regional economic development in Anhui Province had gone through a severe reconstruction process,and shown three different spatial patterns,which were the "banded" shape,the "beaded" shape,and the interwoven of "⊥" shape and "U" shape.